首页> 外文期刊>Sex roles >Women's Conformity as Resistance to Intimate Partner Violence in Assiut, Egypt

Women's Conformity as Resistance to Intimate Partner Violence in Assiut, Egypt


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This paper explores, in Assiut, Egypt, how women respond to IPV and how their social relations sustain or prevent it. Nineteen qualitative interviews with married women were coded in MaxQDA, revealing a pattern of strategic conformity. Most women blamed the wife for spousal aggression and recommended modifying her behavior to end it. Talking with female kin, who often advised tolerance, was the next most common reaction. When such tactics failed, a woman might ask male kin to intervene. Seeking the police or courts was considered shameful and might jeopardize a woman's marriage. Women enacted "the good woman" to preserve self-worth and oblige husbands or male kin to return protection. Ostensibly, these strategies mitigated IPV but maintained its underlying patriarchal structures.
机译:本文探讨了在埃及阿西乌特(Assiut)的妇女如何应对IPV,以及她们的社会关系如何维持或预防IPV。 MaxQDA中对19名已婚妇女进行了定性访谈,揭示了一种战略整合模式。大多数妇女将妻子的配偶侵略归咎于妻子,并建议修改其行为以终止妻子的配偶。下一个最常见的反应是与经常建议宽容的女性亲戚聊天。如果这种策略失败了,女人可能会要求男性亲属干预。寻求警察或法院被认为是可耻的,可能危及妇女的婚姻。妇女颁布了“好女人”以维护自我价值,并迫使丈夫或男性亲属返回保护。表面上看,这些策略减轻了IPV,但维持了其基本的父权制结构。



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