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Universal bufferless packet switching


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A packet-switching algorithm specifies the actions of the nodes in order to deliver packets in the network. A packet-switching algorithm is universal if it applies to any network topology and for any batch communication problem on the network. A long-standing open problem has concerned the existence of a universal packet-switching algorithm with near-optimal performance guarantees for the class of bufferless networks where the buffer size for packets in transit is zero. We give a positive answer to this question. In particular, we give a universal bufferless algorithm which is within a polylogarithmic factor from optimal for arbitrary batch problems: T = O(T* . log(3)(n + N)), where T is the packet delivery time of our algorithm, T* is the optimal delivery time, n is the size of the network, and N is the number of packets. At the heart of our result is a new deterministic technique for constructing a universal bufferless algorithm by emulating a store-and-forward algorithm on a transformation of the network. The main idea is to replace packet buffering in the transformed network with packet circulation in regions of the original network. The cost of the emulation on the packet delivery time is proportional to the buffer sizes used by the store-and-forward algorithm. We obtain the advertised result by using a store-and-forward algorithm with logarithmic sized buffer. The resulting bufferless algorithm is constructive and can be implemented in a distributed way.
机译:分组交换算法指定节点的动作,以便在网络中传递分组。如果数据包交换算法适用于任何网络拓扑以及网络上的任何批处理通信问题,则它是通用的。一个长期存在的开放问题涉及一种通用的分组交换算法的存在,该算法对于传输缓冲区中的数据包的缓冲区大小为零的无缓冲网络类别具有接近最佳的性能保证。我们对这个问题给予肯定的回答。特别是,我们给出了一种通用的无缓冲算法,该算法在任意批次问题的最优对数因子范围内:T = O(T *。log(3)(n + N)),其中T是我们算法的数据包传递时间,T *是最佳传送时间,n是网络的大小,N是数据包的数量。我们研究结果的核心是一种新的确定性技术,该技术可通过在网络转换中模拟存储转发算法来构造通用无缓冲算法。主要思想是用原始网络区域中的数据包循环替换转换后的网络中的数据包缓冲。包传递时间上的仿真成本与存储转发算法使用的缓冲区大小成比例。我们通过使用具有对数大小的缓冲区的存储转发算法来获得广告结果。最终的无缓冲算法是建设性的,可以以分布式方式实现。



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