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Medical devices in the EU political spotlight


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When the responsibility for EU legislation on medical devices and pharmaceuticals was transferred from the European Commission's directorate general responsible for industry (DG Enterprise) to that for public health and consumers (DG Sanco) in 2009, concerned stakeholders frequently asked me what impact this might have. Industry representatives were concerned that their views would not be understood as clearly as before given the loss of focus on enterprise. Public health campaigners were worried that DG Sanco might lose interest or lack resources for health promotion once it had control of the important directives and regulations governing healthcare products. For many civil servants and politicians, however; it was logical that the DG in charge of health policy should be responsible for the EU's health legislation.
机译:2009年,当欧盟将医疗器械和药品立法的责任从欧盟委员会负责工业的总司令(DG Enterprise)转移到负责公共卫生和消费者事务的总司令(DG Sanco)时,有关利益相关者经常问我,这可能产生什么影响。行业代表担心,由于失去了对企业的关注,他们的观点无法像以前那样清晰地理解。公共卫生活动家担心DG Sanco一旦掌握了管理保健产品的重要指令和法规,可能会失去兴趣或缺乏健康促进资源。但是,对于许多公务员和政治人物而言;负责卫生政策的总干事应负责欧盟的卫生立法,这是合乎逻辑的。



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