首页> 外文期刊>Scientia Agricola >Worldwide geographical distribution of Black Sigatoka for banana: predictions based on climate change models. (Special Issue: Agrometeorology and plant disease.)

Worldwide geographical distribution of Black Sigatoka for banana: predictions based on climate change models. (Special Issue: Agrometeorology and plant disease.)

机译:Black Sigatoka用于香蕉的全球地理分布:基于气候变化模型的预测。 (特刊:农业气象学和植物病。)

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Global climatic changes will potentially influence plant diseases and the efficacy of their management options. One of the most likely impacts of climate change will be felt by the geographical distribution of plant diseases. Black Sigatoka is considered the most damaging and costly disease of banana. The socio-economic impact of this disease has continued to increase as the pathogen reaches new areas and the disease becomes more difficult to be controlled. The objectives of this research were to compare the global geographical distribution of the disease based on maps elaborated using weather data representing: (i) current and future periods (2020, 2050 and 2080), (ii) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change scenarios A2 and B2, (iii) predictions based on six different climate change models and the "multimodel ensemble" and, (iv) individual months. The "multimodel ensemble" lead to a reduction in the variability of the simulations when compared to the results obtained using the individual models separately. The predictions suggested that, in the future, areas favorable for the development of the Black Sigatoka disease will decrease. This reduction will occur gradually and will be higher for the A2 than for the B2 scenario. Changes in the geographical distribution of the disease will occur from one month to another, with unfavorable areas becoming favorable and vice-versa. However, in spite of these changes, extensive areas will still continue to be favorable for the occurrence of Black Sigatoka.
机译:全球气候变化将潜在影响植物病害及其管理方案的有效性。植物疾病的地理分布将感受到气候变化最可能的影响之一。黑Sigatoka被认为是香蕉最具破坏性和最昂贵的疾病。随着病原体到达新的地区,该疾病的社会经济影响持续增加,并且该疾病变得更加难以控制。这项研究的目的是根据使用以下气象数据绘制的地图来比较疾病的全球地理分布,这些地图代表:(i)当前和未来时期(2020、2050和2080),(ii)政府间气候变化专门委员会情景A2和B2,(iii)基于六个不同的气候变化模型和“多模型合奏”的预测,以及(iv)每个月。与单独使用单个模型获得的结果相比,“多模型集成”可降低模拟的可变性。这些预测表明,将来,有利于Black Sigatoka疾病发展的地区将减少。这种减少将逐渐发生,并且对于A2而言将比B2情况更高。疾病地理分布的变化将从一个月到另一个月发生,不利地区变得有利,反之亦然。然而,尽管发生了这些变化,大面积地区仍将继续有利于黑Sigatoka的出现。



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