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Treatment of muscle injury [Conduite à tenir devant une lésion musculaire du sportif]


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In front of a muscle injury, first thing must imperatively be interrogation and complete physical examination that will mostly be followed by ultrasound. The treatment is based on fight against deficiencies (pain, shortening of articular amplitudes, decrease of muscle strength) and on restoration of proprioception and stability qualities. The notion of " directed traction" and muscle strengthening is essential because only that will allow a good healing. Rehabilitation principles are globally the same whatever the injury's seriousness is, the only variations are exercises delays and intensity. Indeed, in every case, rehabilitation will be always adapted to physical examination and will respect pain threshold. The duration of sport rest is in general 1 week for a minor injury and until 6 weeks for a serious one but in certain cases, these delays could be lengthened.
机译:在肌肉受伤之前,必须首先要进行讯问和彻底的身体检查,然后再进行超声波检查。该治疗的基础是对抗缺陷(疼痛,关节振幅缩短,肌肉力量下降)以及恢复本体感觉和稳定性。 “定向牵引”和肌肉增强的概念至关重要,因为只有这样才能良好地恢复健康。无论受伤的严重程度如何,康复原则在全球范围内都是相同的,唯一的变化是锻炼的延迟和强度。确实,在每种情况下,康复都将始终适合身体检查,并且将遵守疼痛阈值。一般而言,轻度伤害的运动休息时间通常为1周,重度伤害的运动休息时间通常为6周,但在某些情况下,这些延迟可能会延长。



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