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Rediscovering psychopathology: The epistemology and phenomenology of the psychiatric object


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Questions concerning both the ontology and epistemology of the psychiatric object (symptoms and signs) should be at the forefront of current concerns of psychiatry as a clinical neuroscience. We argue that neglect of these issues is a crucial source of the stagnation of psychiatric research. In honor of the centenary of Karl Jaspers' book, General Psychopathology, we offer a critique of the contemporary operationalist epistemology, a critique that is consistent with Jaspers' views. Symptoms and signs cannot be properly understood or identified apart from an appreciation of the nature of consciousness or subjectivity, which in turn cannot be treated as a collection of thing-like, mutually independent objects, accessible to context-free, atheoretical definitions or unproblematic forms of measurement (as is often assumed in structured interviewing). Adequate and faithful distinctions in the phenomenal or experiential realm are therefore a fundamental prerequisite for classification, treatment, and research. This requires a multidisciplinary approach, incorporating (among other things) insights provided by psychology, phenomenological philosophy, and the philosophy of mind.
机译:有关精神病学对象(症状和体征)的本体论和认识论的问题应该放在当前作为临床神经科学的精神病学关注的前沿。我们认为,忽略这些问题是精神病学研究停滞的关键原因。为了纪念卡尔·贾斯珀斯(Karl Jaspers)的百年著作《一般精神病理学》,我们对当代操作主义认识论进行了批判,这一批判与贾斯珀斯的观点是一致的。除了对意识或主观性的欣赏外,无法正确理解或识别症状和体征,而对意识或主观性的欣赏又不能视为事物,相互独立的对象的集合,可以通过无上下文,无理论的定义或无问题的形式访问测量(通常在结构化面试中假设)。因此,对现象或体验领域的充分和忠实的区分是分类,治疗和研究的基本前提。这就需要一种多学科的方法,其中包括(除其他事项外)心理学,现象哲学和心理哲学所提供的见解。



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