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Grain growth suppression in alumina via doping and two-step sintering


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Efficiency of two-step sintering on grain growth elimination in the final stage of sintering of polycrystalline alumina has long been considered questionable. The published works failed either to suppress the grain growth entirely or to achieve the relative densities above 99% where the grain growth is the most severe. This paper reports on successful grain growth elimination in the final stage of sintering of a sub-micron alumina ceramics by a combination of the two-stage sintering and doping with metal oxides (MgO, ZrO2 or Y2O3). Relative densities up to 99.7% were achieved. Neither doping of aluminas sintered under conventional conditions nor the two-step sintering of pure alumina alone resulted in entire grain growth suppression in the final stage of sintering. A combination of the two-step heating regime with suitable doping (500 ppm MgO added as MgAl2O4 nanopowder) led to complete grain growth suppression at relative densities above 99%. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.
机译:长期以来,人们一直认为在多晶氧化铝烧结的最后阶段进行两步烧结消除晶粒长大的效率是有问题的。已发表的著作未能完全抑制晶粒的生长,也未能使晶粒生长最严重的相对密度达到99%以上。本文报道了通过两步烧结和金属氧化物(MgO,ZrO2或Y2O3)掺杂的结合,成功地消除了亚微米氧化铝陶瓷烧结的最后阶段的晶粒长大。相对密度达到99.7%。在常规条件下烧结氧化铝的掺杂或单独的纯氧化铝的两步烧结都不会在烧结的最后阶段抑制整个晶粒的生长。两步加热方案与适当的掺杂(以MgAl2O4纳米粉形式添加500 ppm MgO)相结合,可以在99%以上的相对密度下完全抑制晶粒生长。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd和Techna Group S.r.l.版权所有。



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