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Inter- and intramolecular hydrogen bonds with transition metal atoms in metallocenes of the iron subgroup


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The intramolecular M ... HO bond in alpha-metallocenylcarbinols (M = Fe, Ru, Os) and the intermolecular Os ... HOH bond in the water complex with osmocene have been studied by extended Huckel (EH) and density functional theory (DFT) methods at the BLYP and B3PW91 levels. There is no evidence that Fe will form such a H-bond. M ... HO bonds involve the d-orbitals of the more basic Ru and Os atoms, but otherwise appear to be conventional H-bonds. The approximate intramolecular M ... H bond energies are 5.0 and 4.1 kcal/mol for Os and Ru, respectively, as compared to 11.7 kcal/mol for the intermolecular Os ... HOH bond. The intermolecular M ... H-O bond appears to be of linear type with elongation of the H-O distance. There are steric requirements that accompany these H-bonds. The M-ring distances must be long enough in the intramolecular complexes to permit the carbinal to correctly approach the metal; bulky substituents on the cyclopentadienyl rings inhibit intermolecular bonding. [References: 41]
机译:通过扩展的Huckel(EH)和密度泛函理论研究了α-金属茂基甲醇(M = Fe,Ru,Os)中的分子内M ... HO键和含茂金属的水络合物中的分子间Os ... HOH键( DFT)方法在BLYP和B3PW91级别。没有证据表明铁会形成这种氢键。 M ... HO键涉及更基本的Ru和Os原子的d轨道,但似乎是常规的H键。 Os和Ru的分子内M ... H键的近似能量分别为5.0和4.1 kcal / mol,而分子间的Os ... HOH键的近似分子内M ... H键的能量为11.7 kcal / mol。分子间的M ... H-O键似乎是线性的,具有延长的H-O距离。这些氢键伴随着空间位阻。分子内复合物中的M环距离必须足够长,以使卡宾碱正确地接近金属。环戊二烯基环上的大取代基抑制分子间键合。 [参考:41]



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