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Hydrological management in a restored wetland affects stopover ecology of Aquatic Warbler: the case of La Nava wetland, northern Spain


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The Aquatic Warbler (Acrocephalus paludicola) is one of the most threatened migratory passerine birds in the world. The species stops over at both European and African wetlands during its migration. Using data from a long-term ringing program in the restored wetland of La Nava (Spain), we describe several aspects of the species' stopover ecology at this site with special focus on juveniles: (1) timing of migration, (2) population size, (3) fuel reposition rate, (4) stopover duration and (5) site fidelity. We elaborated two Multiple Linear Regressions and a Generalized Linear Model to estimate the determinants of migration phenology, daily fattening rate and abundance of captures in addition to minimum observed stopover duration. Finally, we calculated return rates to estimate stopover site fidelity. We determined that: this stopover site belongs to an Atlantic migration route; juveniles experience delayed migration; and that reduced captures are associated with more restrictive hydrological management. Return rate results suggested that there is stopover site fidelity is low. Our results may indicate that this stopover site serves primarily as a resting place rather than a refuelling habitat for this species.
机译:水生莺(Acrocephalus paludicola)是世界上受威胁最大的pass游鸟类之一。该物种在迁徙期间在欧洲和非洲湿地停留。使用来自拉纳瓦(西班牙)恢复湿地的长期振铃计划的数据,我们描述了该物种在该地点的中途停留生态的几个方面,特别着重于幼体:(1)迁徙时间,(2)种群大小,(3)燃料重新定位率,(4)中途停留时间和(5)站点保真度。我们详细阐述了两个多元线性回归和广义线性模型,以估计迁移物候,每日育肥率和捕获量的决定因素以及最小的中途停留时间。最后,我们计算了回报率以估算中途停留地点的保真度。我们确定:该中转站属于大西洋移民路线;青少年的迁徙推迟;减少的捕捞量与更严格的水文管理有关。返回率结果表明,中途停留地点的保真度很低。我们的结果可能表明,该中转站主要充当该物种的休憩场所,而不是为其提供燃料的栖息地。



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