首页> 外文期刊>Optik: Zeitschrift fur Licht- und Elektronenoptik: = Journal for Light-and Electronoptic >Analysis and calculation of third- and fifth-order aberrations in combined bell-shaped electromagnetic lens - a new theoretical model in electron optics

Analysis and calculation of third- and fifth-order aberrations in combined bell-shaped electromagnetic lens - a new theoretical model in electron optics


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The author has developed canonical aberration theory, and has performed a generalized integration transformation on eikonals. Electron optical aberrations have first been derived for up to the ninth-order approximation in rotationally symmetric magnetic and electrostatic lenses. In the present paper, based on above-mentioned theoretical results, analytical formulas for Gaussian trajectory, third- and fifth-order geometric aberration coefficients have first been derived in a so-called combined bell-shaped electromagnetic lens-a new theoretical model first proposed in electron optics. We have shown that the range of the lens-strength parameter for a combined bell-shaped electromagnetic lens. It is to be expected that this theoretical research may be useful for estimating variations and effects of higher-order aberrations in rotationally symmetric combined electromagnetic lenses. [References: 11]
机译:作者发展了规范像差理论,并对电子光敏元件进行了广义积分转换。首先,在旋转对称的磁透镜和静电透镜中,电子光学像差的推导最高达到九阶近似。本文基于上述理论结果,首先在所谓的组合钟形电磁透镜中推导了高斯轨迹,三阶和五阶几何像差系数的解析公式,首次提出了一种新的理论模型。在电子光学中。我们已经表明,组合钟形电磁透镜的透镜强度参数范围。可以预期,该理论研究对于估计旋转对称组合电磁透镜中的高阶像差的变化和影响可能是有用的。 [参考:11]



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