首页> 外文期刊>Obesity research >Differences in resting metabolic rate between white and African-American young adults.

Differences in resting metabolic rate between white and African-American young adults.


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OBJECTIVE: A reported lower resting metabolic rate (RMR) in African-American women than in white women could explain the higher prevalence of obesity in the former group. Little information is available on RMR in African-American men. RESEARCH METHODS AND PROCEDURES: We assessed RMR by indirect calorimetry and body composition by DXA in 395 adults ages 28 to 40 years (100 African-American men, 95 white men, 94 African-American women, and 106 white women), recruited from participants in the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA), Birmingham, Alabama, and Oakland, California, field centers. RESULTS: Using linear models, fat-free mass, fat mass, visceral fat, and age were significantly related to RMR, but the usual level of physical activity was not. After adjustment for these variables, mean RMR was significantly higher in whites (1665.07 +/- 10.78 kcal/d) than in African Americans (1585.05 +/- 11.02 kcal/d) by 80 +/- 16 kcal/d (p < 0.0001). The ethnic x gender interaction was not significant (p = 0.9512), indicating that the difference in RMR between African-American and white subjects was similar for men and women. DISCUSSION: RMR is approximately 5% higher in white than in African-American participants in CARDIA. The difference was the same for men and women and for lean and obese individuals. The prevalence of obesity is not higher in African-American men than in white men. Because of these reasons, we believe that RMR differences are unlikely to be a primary explanation for why African-American women are more prone to obesity than white women.
机译:目的:据报道,非洲裔美国女性的静息代谢率(RMR)低于白人女性,这可能解释了前一组中肥胖症的患病率较高。在非洲裔美国男性中,关于RMR的信息很少。研究方法和程序:我们通过间接量热法和DXA人体成分对395名年龄在28至40岁之间的成年人(100名非裔美国人,95名白人,94名非裔美国人和106名白人妇女)进行了评估。在阿拉巴马州伯明翰市和加利福尼亚州奥克兰市的青年成年人冠状动脉风险发展研究中发挥了重要作用。结果:使用线性模型,无脂肪质量,脂肪质量,内脏脂肪和年龄与RMR显着相关,但通常的体育锻炼水平与RMR无关。调整这些变量后,白人的平均RMR(1665.07 +/- 10.78 kcal / d)比非裔美国人(1585.05 +/- 11.02 kcal / d)高80 +/- 16 kcal / d(p <0.0001 )。种族x性别的交互作用不显着(p = 0.9512),这表明非洲裔美国人与白人受试者的RMR差异在男性和女性之间相似。讨论:白人的RMR大约比CARDIA的非裔美国人参与者高5%。男女之间以及瘦弱和肥胖者之间的差异是相同的。非洲裔美国人的肥胖症患病率并不比白人男性高。由于这些原因,我们认为RMR差异不太可能成为非裔女性为什么比白人女性更容易肥胖的主要原因。



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