首页> 外文期刊>Oncologie. >A project of network for the management of cutaneous rare cancers (the K-CUR network) [Projet réseau cancers cutanés rares K-CUR]

A project of network for the management of cutaneous rare cancers (the K-CUR network) [Projet réseau cancers cutanés rares K-CUR]


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Rare skin cancers (such as Merkel cell carcinoma, dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans, Kaposi's sarcoma...) refer to a mixed group of clinical, histological, immunohistological and evolutive diseases of which the management requires multidisciplinary expertise. Their cumulated incidence is 1/100 000 per year. Dermatologists are usually the first practitioners concerned by their management, with the help and cooperation of a network of dermatopathologists specialized in oncology. Management of these cancers varies greatly from one hospital to another. In 2008, the French national institute on cancer has funded a network of rare skin cancer specialists (K-CUR) so as to bring all efforts together on a large national scale. The aim of this project is: 1) to improve the clinical practice and to make the best techniques available to affected patients; 2) to ameliorate the training of the professionals; and 3) to improve clinical, epidemiologic, pathophysiological and genetic research on these cancers.
机译:罕见的皮肤癌(例如默克尔细胞癌,隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤,卡波西氏肉瘤...)是指临床,组织学,免疫组织学和进化性疾病的混合体,管理需要多学科专业知识。他们的累积发病率是每年1/100 000。在专门从事肿瘤学的皮肤病理学家网络的帮助和配合下,皮肤科医生通常是对其管理最关注的从业医生。从一家医院到另一家医院,这些癌症的治疗方法差异很大。 2008年,法国国家癌症研究所资助了一个由稀有皮肤癌专家组成的网络(K-CUR),以便在全国范围内共同努力。该项目的目的是:1)改善临床实践并为受影响的患者提供最佳技术; 2)改善专业人员的培训; 3)改善这些癌症的临床,流行病学,病理生理学和遗传学研究。



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