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Royalty and Royalty Interests: Overriding Royalty


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In 1946, the predecessor to the plaintiffs conveys surface and mineral rights in Ohio County, Kentucky to Beaver Dam Coal Co. Beaver Dam then leases the coal mining rights back to the grantor who assigns the coal leases to the Rough River Coal Co., an entity owned by the grantor. Rough River agrees to pay the predecessor in interest and his wife a 5% overriding royalty interest of the average gross realization from coal mined and sold by Rough River. A subsequent assignment by Rough River to Alston Coal Co., another entity owned by the predecessor in interest changes the royalty obligation. Peabody Coal acquires Alston Coal in 1956, The overriding royalty interests are assigned to the plaintiffs in 1959. In 2002, a Peabody subsidiary purchases the interests of Beaver Dam and five years later, the 1946 Beaver Dam leases are terminated through the actions of various Peabody affiliates. Eventually, another Peabody subsidiary begins mining operations on lands allegedly covered by the overriding royalty interests. It does not pay any royalty to the plaintiffs who bring this action. The trial court grants the defendants' motion for summary judgment. Held: affirmed. The court determines that the ultimate issue is whether the overriding royalty interests are dependent upon the continued existence of the 1946 Beaver Dam lease or whether they burden the mineral estate in the described lands. Without deciding whether Missouri, Kentucky or Kansas law is applicable, the court applies general principles relating to overriding royalties that agree that an overriding royalty interest carved out of a working interest is extinguished when the working interest is terminated. Thus, once the Peabody entities terminated the Beaver Dam lease the plaintiffs were no longer entitled to any royalty payments from coal production.
机译:1946年,原告的前身将肯塔基州俄亥俄州县的地表和矿产权转交给比弗·达姆煤炭公司。比弗·达姆随后将煤炭开采权租回给设保人,后者将煤炭租约分配给拉夫河·煤炭公司。设保人拥有的实体。 Rough River同意支付前任利息,而他的妻子则应支付Rough River开采和出售的煤炭的平均总实现价的5%的优先使用权利息。随后由Rough River转让给Alston Coal Co.,后者是前身所拥有的另一实体,拥有利息,这改变了特许权使用费。皮博迪煤炭公司于1956年收购了阿尔斯通煤业公司。1959年,压倒性的特许权使用费分配给了原告。2002年,皮博迪公司的子公司购买了比弗大坝的权益,五年后,由于皮博迪公司的各种行为而终止了1946年的海狸大坝租赁。会员。最终,皮博迪的另一家子公司开始在据称由压倒性的特许权使用费覆盖的土地上进行开采业务。它不向提起诉讼的原告支付任何特许权使用费。初审法院批准被告的动议,以进行简易判决。举行:肯定。法院裁定,最终的问题是压倒一切的特许权使用费是否取决于1946年海狸水坝租约的继续存在,或者是否使所描述土地上的矿产负担沉重。法院在未决定是否适用密苏里州,肯塔基州或堪萨斯州法律的情况下,适用与凌驾性特许权有关的一般性原则,即同意在终止经营性利益时,从经营性利益中产生的优先权使用费权益将消失。因此,一旦Peabody实体终止了Beaver Dam的租赁,原告将不再有权从煤炭生产中获得任何特许权使用费。



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