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Royalty and Overriding Royalty Interests: Overriding Royalties; 'Calculate and Pay' Public Lands: Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act

机译:版税和主要版税:主要版税; “计算并支付”公共土地:《大陆架外地土地法》

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In 1998, the United States gives several oil companies (Lessees) a mineral lease to a block of acreage located on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) off the coast of Louisiana. In 1999 and 2001, overriding royalty interests are assigned to seven individuals (collectively, the "Belcher Group") and Kerr-McGee Oil and Gas Corporation (Kerr-McGee) from the lessees' working interest. In 2009, when production is achieved, the working interest in the lease belongs to three oil companies: Chevron USA, Inc. (Chevron); Total E & P USA, Inc. (Total); and Statoil Gulf of Mexico, L.L.C. (Statoil). While Chevron soon thereafter starts paying the overriding royalties to the Belcher Group and Kerr-McGee, Total and Statoil do not pay based on their interpretation of the "calculate and pay" clauses within the instruments creating the overriding royalty interests. Total and Statoil assert that the "calculate and pay" clauses were meant to suspend the requirement of payment of the overriding royalty to the Belcher Group and Kerr-McGee as long as the 12.5% payments of the lessor's royalty to the federal government are suspended under the terms of the mineral lease due to the Outer Continental Shelf Deep Water Royalty Relief Act (the DWRRA). In the following litigation, when Total and Statoil move the federal district court for summary judgment, the Belcher Group and Kerr-McGee respond with affidavits and evidence that the district court deems to be extrinsic which it ultimately does not consider.
机译:1998年,美国向几家石油公司(Lessees)提供了一份矿产租赁权,租给了路易斯安那州沿海外大陆架(OCS)上的一块土地。在1999年和2001年,从承租人的工作利益中分配了7个个人(统称“ Belcher集团”)和Kerr-McGee油气公司(Kerr-McGee)压倒性的特许权使用费权益。在2009年实现生产后,租赁中的工作权益属于三个石油公司:雪佛龙美国公司(Chevron); E&P USA,Inc.总计(总计);墨西哥国家石油公司(Statoil)和墨西哥湾(L.L.C.) (Statoil)。尽管雪佛龙此后不久开始向Belcher Group和Kerr-McGee支付主要特许权使用费,但道达尔和Statoil并未根据其对构成主要特许权使用费的工具中“计算并支付”条款的解释进行支付。道达尔(Total)和挪威国家石油公司(Statoil)断言,“计算和付款”条款旨在中止向Belcher Group和Kerr-McGee支付主要特许权使用费的要求,前提是根据该规定,暂停了出租人向联邦政府支付的特许权使用费的12.5%外部大陆架深水特许权使用费法案(DWRRA)规定的矿产租赁条款。在接下来的诉讼中,道达尔(Total)和挪威国家石油公司(Statoil)将联邦地方法院移交简要判决时,Belcher Group和Kerr-McGee作出誓章并提供证据,证明地方法院认为该法院是外部性的,它最终没有考虑。



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