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Executive Right: Duty to Non-executive


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The Newtons own all of the surface and 1/4 of the minerals in a 99.997 acre tract along with all of the executive rights. The owners of the other 3/4s of the mineral estate apparently own defeasible term interests that will revert to other parties if there is no development on the premises. Aurora approaches the Newtons about leasing the premises but the Newtons refuse to lease. Aurora then sues them on behalf of the defeasible term mineral owners alleging a breach of the duty owed to the non-executive owners. The trial court enters a take nothing judgment against Aurora based on its finding that mere is no duty to execute a lease and therefore, no breach of the fiduciary duty between the Newtons and the non-executive mineral interest owners. Held: affirmed. The court relies on In re Bass, 113 S.W.3d 735,164 0.&G.R. 834 (Tex. 2003) for the general proposition that mere is no duty on behalf of the executive rights owner to lease the premises. Thus, according to the court no fiduciary duty can exist until such time the executive actually executes a lease. Because the Newtons did not execute a lease, the trial court properly dismissed the claim. The court of appeals also affirms an award of attorney's fees finding that the Newtons counterclaimed for a declaratory judgment, which can serve as the basis for such an award.
机译:牛顿拥有99.997英亩土地中的所有地表和1/4的矿产以及所有行政权。矿山中其他3 / 4s的所有者显然拥有可废止的定期权益,如果该处所没有开发,则该权益将归还其他各方。奥罗拉(Aurora)向牛顿一家出租房屋,但牛顿拒绝租赁。然后,Aurora代表不可行的矿物所有者提起诉讼,指控他们违反了对非执行所有者的义务。初审法院对Aurora做出不采取任何裁决的裁决,认为该裁决仅是履行租赁的义务,因此不违反牛顿家族与非执行性矿产权益所有人之间的信托义务。举行:肯定。法院依据In re Bass,113 S.W.3d 735,164 0.&G.R。 834(Tex。2003)的一般主张是,仅代表执行权利所有者没有义务租用该场所。因此,根据法院,在执行人员实际执行租约之前,没有信托义务。由于牛顿夫妇没有执行租约,因此初审法院适当地驳回了这一要求。上诉法院还确认裁定由Newtons驳回要求作出陈述性判决的律师费裁决,这可以作为该裁决的依据。



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