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Limitations of Action: Gas Balancing Joint Operating Agreement: Gas Balancing Provision


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Sanderson and other underproduced owners in a gas well seek a cash balancing. They allege that the operator's proposed plugging and abandonment of the subject well, and the fact that certain owners were in fact abandoning the well, triggers the provision of the applicable operating agreement which provides that "in the event production of gas permanently ceases prior to the time that the accounts of the parties have been balanced, a complete balancing shall be accomplished by a money settlement." The overproduced parties decline to balance and instead assert that Sanderson's claim is time-barred by several statutes of limitations. Sanderson files the present lawsuit seeking an accounting and damages. The overproduced defendants specifically allege in their defense that Sanderson's claim are barred by the five-year statutes of limitations set forth in 12 O.S. 2001 § 95 and 52 O.S. 2001, § 570.10 since more than five years has elapsed between (a) the date Marathon assigned to Sanderson the already-underproduced interest that is at issue in this case, and (b) the date Sanderson files the present lawsuit. The district court finds that the statute of limitations on a claim for gas balancing begins to run when there is an ouster or a termination of the cotenancy relationship between the underproduced party and the overproduced party. It further finds that the cotenancy relationship between Marathon and the overproduced defendants was terminated when Marathon sold its interest in the well, and assigns its underproduction claim to Sanderson, thereby commencing the running of the limitations period. After observing that enough time elapsed since the assignment to Sanderson for both a three-year and five-year limitations period to have run, the district court enters judgment for the defendants, finding the Sanderson's claim is barred. Held: reversed and remanded. In reversing the trial court's ruling that the statutes of limitation bar Sanderson's claim, the appellate court finds that the rules of gas balancing described in the Harrell decision allow Sanderson, as the assignee of an underproduced owner, to wait until the relationship with the overproduced working interest owners ends before demanding a balancing. As a result, the statute of limitations does not commence to run upon Marathon's sale of its underproduced interest to Sanderson over five years earlier.
机译:天然气井中的桑德森和其他生产不足的所有者寻求现金平衡。他们声称,经营者提议的堵漏和废弃该气井的计划,以及某些所有者实际上是在放弃该气井的事实,触发了适用的运营协议的提供,该协议规定:“如果天然气在生产之前永久停止生产,当各方的帐目得到平衡时,应通过货币结算来实现完全的平衡。”生产过剩的当事方不愿保持平衡,而是断言桑德森的主张受到若干时效法规的限制。桑德森(Sanderson)提起本诉讼,要求进行会计核算和赔偿。生产过剩的被告人特别辩护说,桑德森的主张受到《美国联邦法典》第12号规定的五年时效条例的限制。 2001年《美国法典》第95和52条2001年,第570.10节,因为(a)马拉松赛分配给桑德森(Sanderson)的日期在此案中已被低估,直到(b)桑德森(Sanderson)提起本案为止。地方法院裁定,当生产不足的一方与生产过度的一方之间的契约关系被驱逐或终止时,气体平衡索赔的时效法开始生效。它进一步发现,当马拉松出售其在该井中的权益,并将其生产不足的债权转让给桑德森时,马拉松与生产过剩的被告之间的契约关系被终止,从而开始了时效期限的运行。地方法院在观察到自指派给桑德森起已经经过了足够的时间以进行三年和五年的时效期限后,对被告进行判决,裁定桑德森的要求被禁止。举行:撤回并还押。在驳回初审法院关于限制时效的裁决禁止桑德森的主张时,上诉法院认为,哈雷尔判决中所述的气体平衡规则允许桑德森作为生产不足的所有者的受让人,等到与生产过剩的工作的关系为止利益所有者在要求平衡之前就结束了。结果,在五年前马拉松将未充分生产的权益出售给桑德森之后,时效法令就没有生效。



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