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Mineral Rights: Sand and Gravel Trespass


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Saddle Mountain owns extensive minerals and mineral rights in the Kennewick area. Santiago owns a portion of the surface estate lying above a portion of Saddle Mountain's severed mineral estate. The deed severing the surface estate specifically included the mineral owner's right to extract the sand and gravel. In 1996, Santiago engages in various mineral extraction operations on its property relating to the construction of a mobile home park. This led to an earlier round of litigation ending in which reinstated Saddle Mountain's trespass caues of action. The trial court grants a partial summary judgment to Santiago finding that they did not have either a statutory or common law trespass claim. While this case is on appeal the Washington Supreme Court decided Saddle Mountain Minerals, LLC v. Joshi, 152 Wash.2d 242, 95 P.3d 1236, 162 0.&G.R. 980 (Wash. 2004) an analogous case which reinstated similar trespass claims against another surface owner. Held: reversed in part and remanded. The court finds Joshi to be controlling because it interpreted a similarly broad reservation of mineral rights by Saddle Mountain. Even though in Joshi the applicable zoning ordinance prohibited mining operations on the tract, the Supreme Court concluded that the mineral owner had been damaged by the alleged wrongful extraction of minerals by the surface owner. The court agrees that there must be a balance between the rights of a severed mineral owner and the rights of a severed surface owner but that a surface owner cannot confiscate or sell minerals from the tract without committing a trespass. Thus, the case is remanded to the trial court to follow the guidelines set forth in Joshi.
机译:马鞍山在肯纳威克地区拥有广泛的矿产和矿物权。圣地亚哥拥有一部分的地表资产,该地表资产位于萨德尔山(Saddle Mountain)的已切断矿产资源的一部分上方。切断地表的契约特别包括矿主拥有开采沙砾的权利。 1996年,圣地亚哥在其财产上从事各种矿产开采业务,涉及建造可移动家庭公园。这导致了较早的一轮诉讼结束,其中恢复了马鞍山的过错行动线索。初审法院对圣地亚哥作出部分即决判决,裁定他们没有法定或普通法的侵入权要求。在此案上诉期间,华盛顿最高法院裁定Saddle Mountain Minerals,LLC诉Joshi案,152 Wash.2d 242,95 P.3d 1236,162 0.&G.R.。 980(Wash。2004)类似的案件,针对另一位表面所有者恢复了类似的侵入请求。举行:部分撤回并还押。法院认为乔希是控制者,因为它解释了马鞍山(Saddle Mountain)对矿产权利同样广泛的保留。即使在乔希州适用的分区法令禁止在该区域内进行采矿作业,最高法院仍得出结论认为,矿物所有者因地面所有者的不当开采矿物而受到损害。法院同意,被砍伐的矿物所有人的权利与被砍伐的地表拥有者的权利之间必须保持平衡,但地表拥有者必须在不进行侵入的情况下没收土地或从地表出售矿物。因此,该案被退回初审法院,以遵循乔西规定的准则。



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