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Oil and Gas Leases: Assignments; Wellbore Versus Lease Assignments: Ambiguity


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In August 1998, Powder River purchases from Forcenergy Onshore, Inc., certain interests in Wyoming. One of the designated interests relates to a federal oil and gas lease and a well located thereon, In January 2005, Comet contacts Powder River about purchasing a number of interests that were the subject of the 1998 Assignment. In conducting a due diligence review, Comet determines that as to the well and lease in question Forcenergy only conveyed an interest in the well and the unit surrounding the well and not the full 760-acre federal leasehold interest Comet has Forcenergy execute a quitclaim assignment to the interest outside of the well unit in the 760-acre tract. In August 2005, Comet records this assignment with BLM, which leads to this declaratory judgment action being filed by Powder River. Powder River asserts that it is the owner of all of the leasehold interests in the 760-acre tract covered by the federal oil and gas lease. The trial court issues a summary judgment order in favor of Powder River and Comet appeals. Held: reversed and remanded. Under Wyoming law, assignments are treated as contracts and thus subject to the canons of construction and rules of interpretation mat generally apply to contracts. Wyoming follows a hierarchy of canons of construction, first applying a plain meaning approach to ascertain the intent of the parties as expressed in the written instrument.
机译:1998年8月,Powder River从Forcenergy Onshore,Inc.购买了怀俄明州的某些权益。指定的权益之一与联邦油气租赁及其上的一口井有关,2005年1月,Comet与Powder River联系,以购买1998年转让中涉及的许多权益。在进行尽职调查时,Comet确定关于该油井和租赁,Forcenergy仅传达了该油井及其周围单元的权益,而不是全部760英亩的联邦租赁权益,Comet让Forcenergy对在760英亩的土地中,井单元之外的利息。在2005年8月,Comet向BLM记录了此项任务,这导致了Powder River提出了宣告性判决。 Powder River断言它是联邦石油和天然气租赁所涵盖的760英亩土地中所有租赁权益的所有者。初审法院发布简易判决令,支持Powder River和Comet上诉。举行:撤回并还押。根据怀俄明州法律,转让被视为合同,因此受制于建筑规范,解释规则通常适用于合同。怀俄明州遵循建筑规范的等级制度,首先采用简单的意思方法来确定书面文书中所表达的当事方的意图。



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