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Gas Balancing: Accounting; Conversion


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This case involves a gas balancing dispute between Chaparral, a non-operator, and Pioneer, the operator. Chaparral and the operator disagree as to whether the conveyance under which Chaparral acquired its interest transferred to Chaparral the "underproduction" account of the assignor that accrued prior to July 1, 2000. The operator computed the gas imbalance attributable to Chaparral without crediting it with that portion of the underproduction. Chaparral sues the operator for an accounting, in-kind or cash balancing, breach of contract, conversion and violation of the Natural Gas Market Sharing Act ("NGMSA"), 52 O.S. 2001 § § 581.1—581.10. Chaparral asserts that the operator tortiously converted the historic underproduction imbalance of Chaparral when it zeroed-out the imbalance instead of transferring the imbalance from the assignor to Chaparral. The trial court grants summary judgment in favor of the operator as to Chaparral's conversion claim and denies Pioneer's motion for summary disposition as to the NGMSA claim based upon Chaparral's voluntary dismissal of that claim. The trial court also dismisses Chaparral's breach of contract claim based upon its ruling at a hearing not included in the appellate record. After a separate hearing on damages, the trial cpurt rules that the amount of historic imbalance from the subject wells attributable to Chaparral and converted by Pioneer was 6,559 mcf and 19,364 mcf, respectively.
机译:此案涉及非运营商Chaparral与运营商Pioneer之间的天然气平衡纠纷。 Chaparral和经营者不同意Chaparral获得利息所依据的运输方式是否将转让人在2000年7月1日之前产生的转让人的“生产不足”帐户转移到Chaparral。经营者计算了Chaparral的天然气不平衡量而未将其记入贷方。部分生产不足。 Chaparral起诉经营者以会计,实物或现金平衡,违反合同,转换和违反美国俄勒冈州52的《天然气市场共享法》(“ NGMSA”)为由。 2001§§581.1—581.10。 Chaparral断言,经营者在将不平衡状态归零之前,曾曲折地转换了Chaparral的历史性生产不足不平衡状态,而不是将不平衡状态从转让人转移到Chaparral。初审法院对Chaparral的转换要求作出了对运营人有利的简易判决,并基于Chaparral自愿驳回了该要求,拒绝了Pioneer对NGMSA要求进行简易处置的动议。初审法院还根据其在上诉记录中未包括的听证会上的裁定,驳回了Chaparral违反合同索赔的规定。在就损害赔偿金进行单独听证之后,审判小议长裁定,归因于Chaparral和由Pioneer转换的目标井的历史失衡量分别为6,559 mcf和19,364 mcf。



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