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Constitutional Law: Federal Preemption Indian Oil and Gas Leases: State Severance Tax


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The Ute Tribe brings this action challenging the imposition of a number of New Mexico taxes on oil and gas operations that take place on the Ute Reservation. These taxes include the severance tax, the conservation tax, the emergency school tax, the ad valorem production tax and the ad valorem production equipment tax. After summarily dismissing the claims based on an alleged violation of the privileges and immunities clause of the United States Constitution, the trial court, after holding a non-jury trial, finds that the imposition of these five New Mexico taxes on non-Indian production from tribal oil and gas leases is preempted. That portion of the Reservation which is in New Mexico is unalloted and thus held by the United States in trust for the Ute Tribe. The sole economic activites on the New Mexico portion of the Reservation are grazing and oil and gas operations. The New Mexico Oil Conservation Division imposes its regulatory scheme on oil and gas operations on Tribal lands. The Tribe, however, does not allow the OCD to plug wells on Tribal lands. At the time of the litigation there are 186 active oil and gas wells on Tribal lands. The extant leases on the Tribal lands are largely held by two operators, Burlington Resources and XTO Energy. The leases were largely executed many years ago under the terms of the Indian Mineral Development Act. In addition to the leases, there are separate development agreements between the Tribe and private parties which also lead to the production of oil and gas from the Tribal lands. Before a Tribal lessee is entitled to drill a well it must get permission from the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Tribe for the initial survey.
机译:乌特部落(Ute Tribe)采取了这一行动,对在乌特保留区(Ute Reservation)上对石油和天然气运营征收许多新墨西哥州税收提出了挑战。这些税款包括遣散费,保护税,紧急学校税,从价生产税和从价生产设备税。在根据涉嫌违反美国宪法的特权和豁免条款而驳回索赔之后,初审法院在进行非陪审团审判后,发现对来自美国的非印度生产征收这五项新墨西哥州税部落石油和天然气租赁被抢占。保留地中位于新墨西哥州的那部分未被分配,因此由美国以乌特部落的名义持有。保留区的新墨西哥州唯一的经济活动是放牧和石油和天然气经营。新墨西哥州石油保护区将其监管计划强加给部落土地上的石油和天然气运营。但是,部落不允许OCD堵塞部落土地上的井。诉讼时,部落地区有186口活跃的油气井。部落土地上的现有租赁主要由两个运营商Burlington Resources和XTO Energy持有。租约很大程度上是根据印度《矿产开发法》的条款执行的。除租赁外,部落与私人团体之间还有单独的开发协议,这也导致从部落土地生产石油和天然气。在部落承租人有权钻探井之前,必须先获得印度事务局和部落的许可才能进行初步勘测。



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