首页> 外文期刊>Revue Forestiere Francaise >Influence of a calcium amendment on nematode populations and the mesofauna in the forests of the Normandie-Maine Natural Regional Park.

Influence of a calcium amendment on nematode populations and the mesofauna in the forests of the Normandie-Maine Natural Regional Park.


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The impact of a calcium amendment on edaphic populations (nematodes, mesofauna) was monitored in four forests in the Normandie-Maine Natural Regional Park (1999-2003). The impact is visible in the results that are staggered according to the development of the vegetation and the fertility of the humus. The site distribution on graphs, the differential pathways of populations and the behaviour of major functional groups underscore the rapid improvement in environmental conditions at Sille-Andaines (clear cut) along with altered decomposition of organic matter. A tendency to improve did not appear until five years later at Ecouves-Perseigne that is still forested, but not enough to alter the process of decomposition. The authors discuss the convergencies between these results and the improvements achieved by various silvicultural treatments, with a view to sustainable forest management.
机译:在诺曼底—缅因州自然区域公园(1999-2003)的四片森林中,监测了钙改良剂对食性种群(线虫,中型动物)的影响。根据植被的发展和腐殖质的肥沃程度交错排列的结果中可见影响。图上的位置分布,种群的不同途径和主要官能团的行为强调了 Sille-Andaines (无害区域)环境条件的迅速改善以及有机物分解的改变。直到五年后,仍在森林中的 Ecouves-Perseigne 才出现改善的趋势,但不足以改变分解过程。作者讨论了这些结果与各种营林措施取得的进步之间的一致性,以期实现可持续森林管理。



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