
The Tao of Surgery (With Apologies to Lao Tzu)


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It was a night on call like any other, and I fell into bed after a round of beeper madness. If I can get another couple hours of sleep, I thought, I might make it through office hours in the morning. I had just closed my eyes when I felt a poke. Standing above me was an old Chinese man with a staff. He was dressed in robes and looked at me with an uncompromising stare."You are a surgeon, yes?" he said."Well, I'm an ob-gyn," I replied."Don't you do those operations called hysterectomy and laparoscopy? Don't you do C-sections?" With each question he poked me with his staff."Ouch! Okay, okay, I am a surgeon.""Good" he said. "Listen to me now. I am Lao Tzu, and I have come across time to teach you to be a better surgeon.""Lao Tzu? I studied you in that Chinese philosophy course in college that was supposed to be an easy A. You founded Taoism. All about the Way of the Universe. You wrote the Tao Te Ching."
机译:这是一个与众不同的夜晚,在一声哔哔的疯狂之后我掉入了床上。我想,如果我可以再睡几个小时,我可能会在早上的办公时间里入睡。当我感到oke时,我刚刚闭上了眼睛。站在我上面的是一位中国老头子,那里有职员。他穿着长袍,毫不妥协地凝视着我。“你是外科医生,对吗?”他说:“好吧,我是妇产科医师。”你不做子宫切除术和腹腔镜手术吗?你不做剖腹产吗?带着每个问题,他都和他的工作人员戳了戳我。“哦!好吧,好吧,我是一名外科医生。”“很好。”他说。 “现在听我说。我是老子,我有段时间教你成为一个更好的外科医生。”“老子?我在大学那门中国哲学课程上学过你,这本来应该很容易。您创立了道教。关于宇宙之道。您撰写了《道德经》。



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