
Birth weight percentile and the risk of term perinatal death


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OBJECTIVE: To estimate the association between birth weight percentile and the risk of perinatal death at term in relation to the cause of death. METHODS: We performed a retrospective cohort study of all term singleton births in delivery units in Scotland between 1992 and 2008 (n=784,576), excluding perinatal deaths ascribed to congenital anomaly. RESULTS: There were 1,700 perinatal deaths in the cohort, which were not the result of congenital anomaly (21.7/10,000 women at term). We observed a reversed J-shaped association between birth weight percentile and the risk of antepartum stillbirth in all women, but the associations significantly differed (P<.001) according to smoking status. The highest risk (adjusted odds ratio referent to 21st-80th percentile, 95% confidence interval) among nonsmokers was for birth weight third or less percentile (10.5, 8.2-13.3), but there were also positive associations for birth weight percentiles 4th-10th (3.8, 3.0-4.8), 11th-20th (1.9, 1.5-2.4), and 98th-100th (1.8, 1.3-2.4). Among smokers, the associations with being small were weaker and the associations with being large were stronger. We also observed a reversed J-shaped association between birth weight percentile and the risk of delivery-related perinatal death (ie, intrapartum stillbirth or neonatal death), but there was no interaction with smoking. The highest risk was for birth weight greater than the 97th percentile (2.3, 1.6-3.3), but there were also associations with third or less percentile (2.1, 1.4-3.1), 4th-10th (1.8, 1.4-2.4), and 11th-20th (1.5, 1.2-2.0). Analysis of the attributable fraction indicated that approximately one in three antepartum stillbirths and one in six delivery-related deaths at term could be related to birth weight percentile outside the range 21st-97th percentile. CONCLUSION: Effective detection of variation in fetal size at term has potential as a screening test for the risk of perinatal death.
机译:目的:评估出生体重百分位数与足月围产儿死亡风险之间与死亡原因的关系。方法:我们进行了一项回顾性队列研究,研究对象是1992年至2008年间苏格兰分娩单位中所有足月单胎婴儿(n = 784,576),不包括因先天性异常而导致的围产期死亡。结果:该队列中有1700例围产期死亡,并非由先天性畸形引起(足月为21.7 / 10,000名妇女)。我们观察到所有妇女的出生体重百分位数与产前死产风险之间呈反向J型关联,但根据吸烟状况,关联显着不同(P <.001)。非吸烟者中最高的风险(调整后的优势比表示21%至80%,置信区间为95%)是出生体重第三或更低的百分位数(10.5,8.2-13.3),但是出生体重百分比在第四至第十位也呈正相关(3.8,3.0-4.8),11th-20th(1.9,1.5-2.4)和98th-100th(1.8,1.3-2.4)。在吸烟者中,较小的关联较弱,而较大的关联较强。我们还观察到出生体重百分比与分娩相关的围产期死亡风险(即分娩内死产或新生儿死亡)之间呈反J形关联,但与吸烟没有相互作用。出生体重大于第97个百分位数(2.3,1.6-3.3)的风险最高,但与第三个百分位数以下(2.1,1.4-3.1),第4-10名(1.8,1.4-2.4)和较低的百分位数相关11th-20th(1.5,1.2-2.0)。对可归因分数的分析表明,足月出生时死产中约三分之一,与分娩相关的死亡中,六分之一可能与出生体重百分比在21%至97%范围之外有关。结论:足月胎儿大小变异的有效检测有可能作为围产期死亡风险的筛选测试。



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