
Change in sexual behavior with provision of no-cost contraception


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OBJECTIVE: To estimate whether providing no-cost contraception is associated with the number of sexual partners and frequency of intercourse over time. METHODS: This was an analysis of the Contraceptive CHOICE Project, a prospective cohort study of 9,256 adolescents and women at risk for unintended pregnancy. Participants were provided reversible contraception of their choice at no cost and were followed-up with telephone interviews at 6 and 12 months. We examined the number of male sexual partners and coital frequency reported during the previous 30 days at baseline compared with 6-month and 12-month time points. RESULTS: From our total cohort, 7,751 (84%) women and adolescents completed both 6-month and 12-month surveys and were included in this analysis. We observed a statistically significant decrease in the fraction of women and adolescents who reported more than one sexual partner during the past 30 days from baseline to 12 months (5.2% to 3.3%; P<01). Most participants (70- 71%) reported no change in their number of sexual partners at 6 and 12 months, whereas 13% reported a decrease and 16% reported an increase (P<01). More than 80% of participants who reported an increase in the number of partners experienced an increase from zero to one partner. Frequency of intercourse increased during the past 30 days from baseline (median, 4) to 6 and 12 months (median, 6; P<01). However, greater coital frequency did not result in greater sexually transmitted infection incidence at 12 months. CONCLUSION: We found little evidence to support concerns of increased sexual risk-taking behavior subsequent to greater access to no-cost contraception.
机译:目的:评估提供免费避孕的方式是否与性伴侣的数量以及性交的频率有关。方法:这是对《避孕选择》计划的一项分析,该研究针对9,256名处于意外怀孕风险中的青少年和妇女进行了一项前瞻性队列研究。为参与者免费提供了可逆的避孕选择,并在6和12个月后进行了电话采访。我们在基线的前30天与6个月和12个月的时间点相比,检查了男性性伴侣的数量和性交频率。结果:在我们的总队列中,有7,751名(84%)妇女和青少年完成了6个月和12个月的调查,并纳入了该分析。我们观察到从基线到12个月的过去30天中报告有不止一个性伴侣的妇女和青少年比例有统计学意义的下降(5.2%至3.3%; P <01)。大多数参与者(70-71%)报告说在6个月和12个月时他们的性伴侣数量没有变化,而13%的人报告说减少了,而16%的报告了增加了(P <01)。报告合作伙伴数量增加的参与者中,超过80%的参与者从零增加到一位。在过去30天内,性交频率从基线(中位数为4)增加到6和12个月(中位数为6; P <01)。但是,在12个月时,较高的性交频率不会导致较高的性传播感染发生率。结论:我们发现很少有证据支持人们在获得免费避孕药具之后对性冒险行为增加的担忧。



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