首页> 外文期刊>Obstetrics and Gynecology: Journal of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists >Mifepristone and oral, vaginal, or sublingual misoprostol for second-trimester abortion: A randomized controlled trial

Mifepristone and oral, vaginal, or sublingual misoprostol for second-trimester abortion: A randomized controlled trial


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OBJECTIVE:: To compare the efficacy of the vaginal and sublingual administration of the synthetic prostaglandin misoprostol with the currently used oral administration route in second-trimester medical abortion. METHODS:: This was a prospective randomized trial of medical abortion with misoprostol after mifepristone priming at 14-24 weeks of gestation. From 2009 to 2013, recruited women received 200 mg mifepristone orally followed 24-48 hours later by an 800-microgram vaginal loading dose of misoprostol. Women were then randomized to receive additional 400-microgram misoprostol doses orally every 3 hours, vaginally every 4 hours, or sublingually every 3 hours. The main outcome was the duration of abortion with emphasis on the proportion of women undelivered 12 hours after the misoprostol loading dose in the three groups. RESULTS:: A total of 302 women were randomized: 100 to oral, 100 to vaginal, and 102 to sublingual misoprostol. The median gestation at recruitment was oral 19.1 weeks (interquartile range 17.2-20.8), vaginal 19.4 weeks (interquartile range 17.3-20.4), and sublingual 19.7 weeks (interquartile range 17.6-21.0). The overall abortion duration was longer in women receiving oral misoprostol: oral 9.5 hours (95% confidence interval [CI] 8.5-11.4), vaginal 7.4 hours (95% CI 6.5-8.2), and sublingual 7.8 hours (95% CI 7.0-9.2). Overall, 84 of 302 (27.8%) women were undelivered at 12 hours, comprising 37.0% (95% CI 28.7-47.8) oral, 20.5% (95% CI 14.0-30.1) vaginal, and 21.0% (95% CI 14.3-30.7) sublingual groups. CONCLUSION:: Vaginal or sublingual misoprostol administered after a vaginal loading dose in second-trimester medical abortion with mifepristone priming is associated with a shorter time to pregnancy termination compared with an oral regimen.
机译:目的:比较阴道内和舌下施用合成前列腺素米索前列醇与目前使用的口服途径在妊娠中期药物流产中的疗效。方法:这是一项前瞻性随机试验,在妊娠14-24周时用米非司酮启动后用米索前列醇进行米索前列醇药物流产。从2009年至2013年,新招募的妇女口服200毫克米非司酮,然后24-48小时后接受800毫克阴道负荷剂量的米索前列醇。然后,将妇女随机分配为每3小时口服一次,每4小时阴道一次或每3小时舌下一次接受400毫克米索前列醇剂量。主要结果是流产的持续时间,重点是三组米索前列醇负荷剂量后12小时未分娩的妇女比例。结果:总共302名妇女被随机分配:100名口服,100名阴道,102名舌下米索前列醇。招募时的中位妊娠为口服19.1周(四分位数范围17.2-20.8),阴道19.4周(四分位数范围17.3-20.4)和舌下19.7周(四分位数范围17.6-21.0)。接受口服米索前列醇的妇女的总流产时间较长:口服9.5小时(95%置信区间[CI] 8.5-11.4),阴道7.4小时(95%CI 6.5-8.2)和舌下7.8小时(95%CI 7.0- 9.2)。总体而言,302名妇女中有84名(27.8%)在12小时内未分娩,包括37.0%(95%CI 28.7-47.8)口服,20.5%(95%CI 14.0-30.1)阴道和21.0%(95%CI 14.3-) 30.7)舌下团体。结论:与口服方案相比,在妊娠中期妊娠流产米非司酮时,阴道负荷剂量后服用阴道或舌下米索前列醇与终止妊娠的时间较短有关。



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