首页> 外文期刊>Obstetrics and Gynecology: Journal of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists >A Model for Predicting the Risk of De Novo Stress Urinary Incontinence in Women Undergoing Pelvic Organ Prolapse Surgery

A Model for Predicting the Risk of De Novo Stress Urinary Incontinence in Women Undergoing Pelvic Organ Prolapse Surgery


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OBJECTIVE: To construct and validate a prediction model for estimating the risk of de novo stress urinary incontinence (SUI) after vaginal pelvic organ prolapse (POP) surgery and compare it with predictions using preopera-tive urinary stress testing and expert surgeons' predictions.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Using the data set (n=457) from the Outcomes Following Vaginal Prolapse Repair and Midurethral Sling trial, a model using 12 clinical pre-operative predictors of de novo SUI was constructed. De novo SUI was determined by Pelvic Floor Distress Inventory responses through 12 months postoperatively. After fitting the multivariable logistic regression model using the best predictors, the model was internally validated with 1,000 bootstrap samples to obtain bias-corrected accuracy using a concordance index. The model's predictions were also externally validated by comparing findings against actual outcomes using Colpopexy and Urinary Reduction Efforts trial patients (n=316). The final model's performance was compared with experts using a test data set of 32 randomly chosen Outcomes Following Vaginal Prolapse Repair and Midurethral Sling trial patients through-comparison of the model's area under the curve against: 1) 22 experts' predictions; and 2) pre-operative prolapse reduction stress testing.
机译:目的:建立并验证预测模型,以评估阴道盆腔器官脱垂(POP)手术后从头压力性尿失禁(SUI)的风险,并将其与术前尿液压力测试和专家医生的预测相比较。方法和方法:使用来自阴道脱垂修复和中尿道吊索试验后结果的数据集(n = 457),构建了一个使用12种从头开始SUI的临床术前预测指标的模型。术后12个月内,盆腔底部窘迫库存量决定了从头SUI。在使用最佳预测变量拟合多变量logistic回归模型后,使用1,000个自举样本在内部对模型进行了验证,以使用一致性指数获得偏差校正的准确性。该模型的预测还通过使用Colpopexy和尿频减少努力试验的患者(n = 316)将发现与实际结果进行比较,从外部进行了验证。通过比较32个专家的预测,比较了模型在曲线下方的面积,通过使用32个随机选择的阴道脱垂修复术后患者和中尿道吊索试验患者的结果的测试数据集,将最终模型的性能与专家进行了比较。 2)术前减少脱垂压力测试。


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