
Blood Transfusion During Pregnancy, Birth,and the Postnatal Period


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OBJECTIVES: To identify risk factors for transfusion and trends in transfusion rates across pregnancy and the postnatal period.METHODS: Linked hospital and birth data on all births in hospitals in New South Wales, Australia, between 2001 and 2010 were used to identify blood transfusions for women during pregnancy, at birth, and in the 6 weeks postpartum. Poisson regression was used to identify risk factors for red cell transfusion in the birth admission. Separate models were fitted for cesarean and vaginal births.RESULTS: Between 2001 and 2010, there were 12,147 transfusions across 891,914 pregnancies, with a transfusion rate of 1.4%. The transfusion rate increased steadily from 1.2% in 2001 to 1.6% in 2010. The majority of transfusions (91%) occurred during the birth admission, and 81% of these transfusions were associated with a diagnosis of hemorrhage. Women with bleeding or platelet disorders (vaginal: number transfused 529, relative risk [RR] 7.8, 99% confidence interval [CI] 6.9-8.7, cesarean: n=592, RR 8.7, CI 7.7-9.7) and placenta previa: (vaginal n=73, RR 4.6, CI 3.4-6.3, cesarean: n=875, RR 5.7, CI 5.1-6.4) were at highest risk of transfusion. Among vaginal births, increased risk was evident for forceps (n=1,036, RR 2.8, CI 2.5-3.0) or vacuum births (n=1,073, RR 1.9, CI 1.7-2.0) compared with nonopera-tive births.CONCLUSIONS: Rates of obstetric blood product transfusion have increased by 33% since 2001, with the majority of this associated with hemorrhage. Women with bleeding or platelet disorders and placenta previa are at increased risk of transfusion and should be treated accordingly.
机译:目的:确定妊娠和产后输血的危险因素和输血率趋势方法:使用澳大利亚新南威尔士州2001年至2010年间医院和所有婴儿出生数据的关联数据来确定输血的原因妇女在怀孕期间,出生时以及产后6周内。泊松回归用于确定出生时红细胞输注的危险因素。结果:剖宫产和阴道分娩的模型分别适用。结果:2001年至2010年,在891,914例怀孕中共进行了12147例输血,输血率为1.4%。输血率从2001年的1.2%稳定增长到2010年的1.6%。大多数输血(91%)发生在分娩时,其中81%与出血的诊断有关。患有出血或血小板异常(阴道:输血529,相对风险[RR] 7.8,99%置信区间[CI] 6.9-8.7,剖宫产:n = 592,RR 8.7,CI 7.7-9.7)的妇女和前置胎盘:(阴道n = 73,RR 4.6,CI 3.4-6.3,剖宫产:n = 875,RR 5.7,CI 5.1-6.4)的输血风险最高。在阴道分娩中,与非手术分娩相比,钳子(n = 1,036,RR 2.8,CI 2.5-3.0)或真空分娩(n = 1,073,RR 1.9,CI 1.7-2.0)的风险明显增加。自2001年以来,产科血液制品输血增加了33%,其中大部分与出血有关。患有出血或血小板异常和前置胎盘的女性发生输血的风险增加,应进行相应治疗。



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