首页> 外文期刊>Ceramics Monthly >Quiet Voice, Loud Statement The Work of Tomoo Kitamura

Quiet Voice, Loud Statement The Work of Tomoo Kitamura


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For some, their passion is predestined. For others, it is unearthed, silently lurking in their past and slowly guiding their life choices. Ceramics artist Tomoo Kitamura tumbled into his life's work through a cross-continental journey and a second look at his ancestry. Born one hour from Mashiko, Japan, Kitamura's dawning into an artist should have been a natural progression. His hometown is the former residence and studio of famed ceramics artist Shoji Hamada. The rural economy was based on Hamada's name, and visitors populated the subsequent pottery shops and studios. Kitamura's mother was a self-taught painter. His father was a carpenter and avid collector of Japanese pottery. Yet despite this familiarity with the ceramics world, Kitamura never considered a life behind a wheel or holding a paintbrush to canvas. It took a dramatic move to the United States, a chance meeting and a marriage to an American art student for Kitamura to foster an interest in life as an artist.
机译:对于某些人来说,他们的激情是注定的。对于其他人来说,它是出土的,默默地潜伏在他们的过去中,并逐渐引导他们的生活选择。陶瓷艺术家北村友(Tomoo Kitamura)通过跨洲旅行和他的祖先来深入了解他的生活。北村出生于日本益子市一个小时,对艺术家的黎明本来应该是自然的发展。他的家乡是著名陶瓷艺术家滨田昌次的故居和工作室。农村经济以滨田的名字为基础,随后的陶器商店和工作室里到处都是游客。北村的母亲是一位自学成才的画家。他的父亲是木匠和日本陶器的狂热收藏家。尽管对陶瓷世界很熟悉,但北村从未考虑过带轮生活或拿着画笔在画布上生活。它采取了戏剧性的举动,来到美国,举行了一次偶然的见面会,并与北村的一名美国艺术学生结婚,以激发人们对艺术家生活的兴趣。



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