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The Library and Its Place in Cultural Memory: The Grande Bibliotheque du Quebec in the Construction of Social and Cultural Identity


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The province of Qubec, the sole province in Canada where the citizens are a French-language majority, is also the only province with its own national library. The Bibliothque nationale du Qubec and other significant libraries around the world collect and preserve memory in ways that create a context for cultural recall. The first part of this article traces the heated debates that took place in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries over the creation of a public or municipal library in Montral. The second part traces the events leading to the development of the Bibliothque nationale du Qubec and its subsequent merger in 2005 with the Bibliothque municipale de Montral to form the Grande Bibliothque, or "the new national library of Qubec.
机译:魁北克省是加拿大唯一的省份,公民是法国人占多数,也是唯一拥有自己的国家图书馆的省。魁北克国家图书馆和世界各地其他重要图书馆都在收集和保存记忆,以创造文化回忆的背景。本文的第一部分追溯了在19世纪末和20世纪初关于在蒙特利尔建立公共或市政图书馆的激烈辩论。第二部分追溯了导致魁北克国家图书馆发展以及随后在2005年与蒙特勒市政图书馆合并以形成Grande Bibliothque或“魁北克新国家图书馆”的事件。



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