首页> 外文期刊>Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural >Public policy of industrialization on family farming: a review of Pronaf-Agroindustria. [Portuguese]Original Title Politica publica de agroindustrializacao na agricultura familiar: uma analise do Pronaf-Agroindustria.

Public policy of industrialization on family farming: a review of Pronaf-Agroindustria. [Portuguese]Original Title Politica publica de agroindustrializacao na agricultura familiar: uma analise do Pronaf-Agroindustria.

机译:家庭农业工业化的公共政策:Pronaf-Agroindustria的评论。 [英文]原标题:家庭农业中农业工业化的公共政策:Pronaf-Agroindustria的分析。

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During the years, since its implementation, Pronaf has become more structured and has significantly increased its action field. Alongside the increase of resources, contracts, and number of benefited agriculturists, an important innovation of this program was the inclusion of new lines of funding, either through inserting segments until then, excluded from the agricultural policies, or including, recognizing, and legitimizing different activities performed in rural areas, such as familiar agroindrustialization. This paper aims to analyze the family agroindustry oriented rural credit policy (Pronaf-agroindustry), evidencing the constitution, elaboration, implementation and results of this line of funding. Moreover, the paper discusses the process of reformulation in the access conditions to the credit during recent years, analyzing the new portfolio constituted by a program called Mais Alimentos. The results of this paper highlight the flexibility of Pronaf-Agroindustry's financial conditions (reduction of interest rate, increase of the financed ceiling, and spread of the target public), which changes significantly the policy focus (it no longer benefits small family agroindustries exclusively, but also includes major milk cooperatives).
机译:自实施以来,多年来,Pronaf变得更加结构化,并大大扩大了其行动领域。除了资源,合同和受益农户数量的增加之外,该计划的一项重要创新是通过以下方式加入新的资金渠道:要么在此之前插入细分市场,将其排除在农业政策之外,要么包括承认和合法化不同的在农村地区进行的活动,例如熟悉的农业机械化。本文旨在分析以家庭农产工业为导向的农村信贷政策(Pronaf-agroindustry),以证明这笔资金的构成,阐述,实施和结果。此外,本文还讨论了近年来信贷获取条件的重新制定过程,并分析了由“ Mais Alimentos”计划组成的新投资组合。本文的结果强调了Pronaf-Agroindustry财务状况的灵活性(利率降低,融资上限的增加和目标人群的分布),这极大地改变了政策重点(它不再仅使小型家庭农业产业受益,但也包括主要的牛奶合作社)。



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