首页> 外文期刊>Remote Sensing of Environment: An Interdisciplinary Journal >Spatiotemporal problems with detecting and mapping mosaic fire regimes with coarse-resolution satellite data in savanna environments

Spatiotemporal problems with detecting and mapping mosaic fire regimes with coarse-resolution satellite data in savanna environments


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Fire is a prominent disturbance factor and a major force of environmental change especially in the African savannas. The development of an accurate system to map and monitor fires on the African continent is a priority of numerous international research centers and programs. This effort has produced a flurry of research projects in recent years to detect and map areas affected by fires at the continental scale using coarse-resolution satellite imagery. The end product of these projects consists of weekly or monthly maps of burned area, several of which are available to the user community on the internet. It is argued here that the algorithms used to generate these products are designed to capture relatively large and contiguously burned areas and that the heterogeneous patterns of burn scars created by mosaic burning regimes pose a problem for current detection methodologies. Fine-scale burned area maps are generated using a series of Landsat ETM+imagery covering the 2002-2003 fire season for the study area in the savanna of southern Mali. These maps document a seasonal-mosaic pattern of burning in which burning begins early in the dry season and continues for several months ultimately affecting over 50% of the landscape. The majority of these fires burn relatively small areas producing a highly fragmented landscape pattern. A comparison of the fine scale maps with those from two widely available coarse-resolution products finds that the latter fail to detect approximately 90% of the burned area. A general argument is developed which suggests that the documented bias in the coarse resolution products is a function of low-resolution bias which derives from the fine-scale Spatiotemporal pattern of burning not uncommon to savanna and other frequently burned environments. The study demonstrates how low-resolution bias can result in a significant underestimation of burned areas and/or a shift in the seasonal burned area profile in areas where mosaic burning occurs. The findings have implications for the development of broad-scale burned area detection algorithms as well as their applications to natural resource management and global environmental change research.
机译:火灾是一个重要的干扰因素,也是环境变化的主要力量,尤其是在非洲大草原。开发精确的测绘和监测非洲大陆火灾的系统是许多国际研究中心和计划的重点。近年来,这项工作产生了一系列研究项目,以使用粗分辨率卫星图像在大陆范围内检测和绘制受火灾影响的区域。这些项目的最终产品包括每周或每月燃烧面积的地图,其中一些可在Internet上供用户社区使用。这里争论的是,用于生成这些产品的算法旨在捕获相对较大且连续燃烧的区域,并且由镶嵌燃烧方案产生的燃烧疤痕的异质模式为当前的检测方法带来了问题。使用一系列Landsat ETM +图像生成了精细的燃烧区域图,该图像覆盖了马里南部大草原研究区域的2002-2003年火季。这些地图记录了季节性的马赛克燃烧模式,其中燃烧开始于干旱季节的早期,持续了几个月,最终影响了50%以上的景观。这些大火大部分烧毁了相对较小的区域,产生了高度分散的景观格局。将精细比例图与两种广泛使用的粗分辨率产品的比例图进行比较后发现,后者无法检测到大约90%的燃烧区域。提出了一个普遍的论点,表明粗分辨率产品中记录的偏差是低分辨率偏差的函数,低分辨率偏差源于稀薄稀树草原和其他经常燃烧的环境中罕见的精细时空燃烧模式。这项研究表明,低分辨率的偏见如何导致烧录区域的估计值低估和/或发生马赛克烧录的区域中的季节性烧录区域轮廓发生变化。这些发现对大规模燃烧区域检测算法的开发及其在自然资源管理和全球环境变化研究中的应用具有重要意义。



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