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Application of the Dozier retrieval to wildfire characterization - A sensitivity analysis


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The demand for improved information on regional and global fire activity in the context of land use/land cover change, ecosystem disturbance, climate modeling, and natural hazards has increased efforts in recent years to improve earth-observing satellite sensors and associated methods for fire information retrieval. While sensor development has made considerable headway for fire monitoring with the recent launch of Terra in late 1999 and upcoming missions such as bispectral infrared detection (BIRD), FOCUS, and the National Polar-Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS), the retrieval of fire properties from satellite observations remains problematic. Current methods for determining properties of actively burning fires, for example, continue to be based on a simple two-component model developed by Dozier in 1981 [Remote Sens. Environ. 11 (1981) 221.]. Its limitations in terms of reliable operational fire property retrieval have been known for some time, although not examined in derail to date. With new measurements from recently deployed and evolving satellite systems. which offer kev advantages for fire remote sensing, it is appropriate now to more comprehensively examine the heritage methodology for fire property retrieval. The results of a sensitivity analysis indicate that under realistic conditions the random errors in fire temperature and area retrieved using Dozier's method are +/- 100 K and +/- 50% at one standard deviation, respectively, for fires occupying a pixel fraction greater than 0.005 (this corresponds to a 5000-m(2) fire within a 1-km pixel). For smaller active fires, larger random and systematic errors are likely to occur. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science inc. All rights reserved. [References: 25]
机译:近年来,在土地利用/土地覆被变化,生态系统扰动,气候模拟和自然灾害的背景下,需要对有关区域和全球火灾活动的信息进行改进,从而为改进对地观测卫星传感器和有关火灾信息的相关方法做出了更大的努力恢复。尽管传感器的发展在1999年底最近发射的Terra以及即将进行的双光谱红外探测(BIRD),FOCUS和国家极地轨道运行环境卫星系统(NPOESS)等任务中已为火灾监控取得了长足的发展,卫星观测的火属性仍然存在问题。例如,确定主动燃烧火的性质的当前方法继续基于Dozier在1981年开发的简单的两组分模型[Remote Sens.Environ。 11(1981)221.]。尽管迄今为止尚未在脱轨中对其进行检查,但在可靠的可操作火属性检索方面的局限性已为人所知。利用最近部署和不断发展的卫星系统的新测量结果。这些优点为火灾遥感提供了重要的优势,现在应该更全面地研究遗产属性检索方法。灵敏度分析的结果表明,在实际条件下,对于火灾占据的像素分数大于0.005(这对应于1公里像素内的5000米(2)起火)。对于较小的主动射击,可能会出现较大的随机误差和系统误差。 (C)2001 Elsevier Science inc。版权所有。 [参考:25]



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