首页> 外文期刊>Remote Sensing of Environment: An Interdisciplinary Journal >AVHRR-based forest proportion map of the Pan-European area

AVHRR-based forest proportion map of the Pan-European area


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A methodology was developed and applied to estimating forest area and producing forest maps. The method utilizes satellite data and ground reference data. It takes into consideration the fact that a pixel rarely represents any single ground cover class. This is particularly true for low-spatial-resolution data. It also takes into consideration that the spectral classes overlap. The image was first classified using an unsupervised clustering method. A (multinormal) spectral density function was estimated for each class based on the spectral vectors (reflectance values) of the cluster members. Values of the target variable - the proportion of forested area - were determined for the spectral classes using sampling from CORINE (Coordination of Information on the Environment) Land Cover database. Each pixel was assigned class membership probabilities, which were proportional to the value of the density function of the respective class evaluated at the spectral value of the pixel. The estimate of forest area for the pixel was finally computed by multiplying the class membership probabilities by the class forest area and summing over all the classes. The method was applied over a mosaic of 49 Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) images acquired from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)-14 satellite. The estimated forest areas were compared with those extracted from the full-coverage CORINE data and with official Forest statistics reported to the European Commission's Statistical Office (EUROSTAT). The forest percentage (proportion of forest area of the total land area) of 12 countries of the European Union was underestimated by 1.8% compared to the CORINE data. It was underestimated by 4.2% when compared with EUROSTAT's statistics and 6.0% when compared to United Nations Economic Commission for Europe/Food and Agricultural Organization (UN-ECE/FAO) statistics. The largest underestimation of forest percentage within a country (compared to CORINE) was in France (5.9%). The largest overestimation was found in Ireland. 15.6%. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved. [References: 52]
机译:开发了一种方法,并将其应用于估算森林面积和制作森林图。该方法利用卫星数据和地面参考数据。考虑到以下事实:像素很少代表任何单个地面覆盖物类别。对于低空间分辨率的数据尤其如此。还考虑到光谱类别重叠。首先使用无监督聚类方法对图像进行分类。根据聚类成员的光谱矢量(反射率值),为每个类别估计一个(多标准)光谱密度函数。使用CORINE(环境信息协调)Land Cover数据库中的采样,确定光谱类别的目标变量的值-林区的比例。为每个像素分配了类别隶属度,它们与在像素光谱值上评估的各个类别的密度函数的值成比例。最终,通过将类成员资格概率乘以类林面积,然后对所有类求和,得出像素的森林面积估计值。该方法应用于从美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)-14卫星获取的49张超高分辨率高分辨率辐射计(AVHRR)图像的镶嵌图像上。将估计的森林面积与从全部覆盖的CORINE数据中提取的森林面积进行比较,并与报告给欧洲委员会统计局(EUROSTAT)的官方森林统计数据进行比较。与CORINE数据相比,欧盟12个国家的森林百分比(森林面积占总土地面积的比例)被低估了1.8%。与欧洲统计局的统计数据相比,该数据被低估了4.2%,与联合国欧洲经济委员会/粮食及农业组织的统计数据相比,该数据被低估了6.0%。一个国家(与CORINE相比)对森林百分比的最大低估是在法国(5.9%)。最大的高估是在爱尔兰。 15.6%。 (C)2001 Elsevier Science Inc.保留所有权利。 [参考:52]



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