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The sensitivity of the OSAVI vegetation index to observational parameters


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OSAVI is a soil-adjusted vegetation index optimized for agricultural monitoring. The SAIL-SOILSPECT-PROSPECT-KUUSK model was applied to test the sensitivity of OSAVI to a number of observational and environmental parameters, with the constraint that the parameter ranges were chosen to be representative of conditions encountered during operational monitoring by SPOT and Landsat of the U.K. sugar beet crop in the summer months. Within these defined limits, variations in solar and viewing angles introduced no more than 4% systematic (and rectifiable)error in estimation of crop canopy cover while errors associated with atmospheric correction were of a similar magnitude. Although sugar beet has large leaves close to the ground and was expected to generate a large hot spot effect, the effect of ;uncertainty in leaf size appears to be negligible. Leaf angle distribution is effectively accounted for by the use of crop cover as an index of productivity, except when the crop is wilting, but this is unlikely to occur in sugar beet at the time of satellite overpass. Subject to the uncertainties of modeling, the estimation of crop canopy cover within an absolute error of 5% appears to be achievable. (C) Elsevier Science Inc., 1998. [References: 16]
机译:OSAVI是为农业监测而优化的土壤调整植被指数。使用SAIL-SOILSPECT-PROSPECT-KUUSK模型来测试OSAVI对许多观测和环境参数的敏感性,但要选择的参数范围代表SPOT和Landsat的运行监测期间遇到的条件英国夏季甜菜作物。在这些限定的范围内,太阳光和视角的变化在估计作物冠层覆盖率时引入了不超过4%的系统(和可纠正)误差,而与大气校正相关的误差则相似。尽管甜菜的大叶离地面很近,并且预计会产生大的热点效应,但是叶尺寸不确定性的影响似乎可以忽略不计。通过使用作物覆盖率作为生产力的指标可以有效地解释叶片角度分布,除非作物正在萎wil,但这不太可能在人造天桥时在甜菜中发生。受建模不确定性的影响,似乎可以实现绝对误差在5%以内的作物冠层覆盖率的估算。 (C)Elsevier Science Inc.,1998年。[参考:16]



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