首页> 外文期刊>Remote Sensing of Environment: An Interdisciplinary Journal >Effects of chlorophyll fluorescence on the estimation of microphytobenthos biomass using spectral reflectance indices

Effects of chlorophyll fluorescence on the estimation of microphytobenthos biomass using spectral reflectance indices


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The communities of benthic microalgae that form dense biofilms at the surface of aquatic sediments, or microphytobenthos, are important primary producers in estuarine intertidal flats and shallow coastal waters.The microalgal biomass present in the photic zone of the sediment is a key parameter for ecological and photophysiological studies on microphytobenthos, and has been routinely estimated using hyperspectral reflectance indices based on the chlorophyll (Chl) a red absorption peak at 675 nm, usually the Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). This study reports that red region-based biomass indices measured on microphytobenthos biofilms can be significantly affected by the enrichment of reflected light with solarinduced Chl fluorescence emitted by the microalgae. Chl fluorescence emission peaks at 683 nm, counterbalancing the decrease in reflectance centered at 675 nm, thus causing the underestimation of NDVI. The interference of Chl fluorescence was found to be easily identified by a conspicuous double-peak feature in the 670–700 nm region of the second-derivative reflectance spectra. The fluorescence-induced NDVI underestimation was shown to be most pronounced for high surface biomass levels and low incident solar irradiance. Particular aspects of microphytobenthos biofilms, such as the increase in surface Chlfluorescence due the contribution of emission by subsurface layers, and vertical migratory responses by motile microalgae to changes in ambient light, further complicate the effects on biomass estimation using NDVI-like indices. By comparing NDVI with a fluorescence-independent biomass index for a wide range of natural light conditions, it was found that Chl fluorescence interference may cause the underestimation of microalgal biomass to reach over 25%, with errors above 10% being expected for more than half of the measuring occasions. These results indicate that the use of NDVI may compromise the correct assessment of important aspects of microphytobenthos ecology, such as the characterisation of migratory behaviour or the determination of biomass-specific productivity rates, and call for the use of alternative biomass indices, not based on the Chl a red absorption peak.
机译:在河底潮间带和浅水沿海水域,在水底沉积物表面形成致密生物膜的底栖微藻群落是重要的初级生产者。沉积物光化区中存在的微藻生物量是生态和生物多样性的关键参数。对微植物底栖动物的光生理研究,并已根据叶绿素(Chl)在675 nm处的红色吸收峰(通常是归一化植被指数(NDVI))使用高光谱反射指数进行了常规估算。这项研究报告说,微藻类生物膜上测得的基于红色区域的生物量指数可能会受到微藻发出的太阳诱导Chl荧光的富集反射光的影响。 Ch1荧光发射在683 nm处达到峰值,从而抵消了以675 nm为中心的反射率的下降,从而导致NDVI的低估。发现Chl荧光的干扰很容易通过二阶导数反射光谱的670-700 nm区域中的明显双峰特征来识别。对于高表面生物量水平和低入射太阳辐照度,荧光诱导的NDVI低估表现得最为明显。微底栖生物膜的某些特定方面,例如由于地下层的发射所致的表面荧光增强,以及运动性微藻类对环境光变化的垂直迁移响应,使使用NDVI类指数对生物量估计的影响更加复杂。通过在广泛的自然光条件下将NDVI与不依赖荧光的生物量指数进行比较,发现Chl荧光干扰可能会导致低估微藻生物量达到25%以上,而超过10%的误差预计会超过一半测量场合。这些结果表明,使用NDVI可能会影响对微底栖动物生态学重要方面的正确评估,例如迁移行为的特征或确定生物量的生产率,并呼吁使用替代生物量指数,而不是基于Chl出现红色吸收峰。



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