首页> 外文期刊>Liver international : >Sustained biochemical remission after interferon treatment may closely be related to the end of treatment biochemical response and associated with a lower incidence of hepatocarcinogenesis.

Sustained biochemical remission after interferon treatment may closely be related to the end of treatment biochemical response and associated with a lower incidence of hepatocarcinogenesis.


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Clinical background and incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) of patients with chronic hepatitis C who obtained biochemical remission without eradication of virus (biochemical response) after interferon (IFN) treatment was retrospectively analyzed for 755 patients. Annual incidence of HCC was significantly lower in the patients with biochemical response and sustained response than that of the patients that did not show these responses. Logistic regression analysis showed that only the normalization of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) value at the end of IFN treatment was a significant factor for biochemical response. Annual incidence of HCC was significantly lower in the patients who obtained normalization of ALT values at the end of treatment than those who did not. Patients who were younger, who had a lower level of activity and fibrosis indices in histology, higher platelet count, and who were given more higher total dose of IFN were more likely to attain normalization of ALT levels at the end of treatment, and this was related to biochemical response. Low incidence of HCC in patients who obtained normalization of ALT values at the end of treatment was likely because they were in the earlier stage of chronic hepatitis. Active treatment of chronic hepatitis C with interferon in the early phase of the disease may bring about a biochemical response in some patients, even if sustained virological response is not obtained.
机译:回顾性分析了755例患者的临床背景和慢性丙型肝炎患者的肝细胞癌(HCC)发生率,这些患者在干扰素(IFN)治疗后获得生化缓解而没有消除病毒(生化反应)。具有生化反应和持续反应的患者的年肝癌发生率明显低于未显示这些反应的患者。 Logistic回归分析显示,仅在IFN治疗结束时丙氨酸转氨酶(ALT)值正常化是生化反应的重要因素。在治疗结束时获得ALT值正常化的患者的HCC年发病率显着低于未获得ALT值正常化的患者。年轻的患者,组织学活动水平和纤维化指数较低,血小板计数较高,总IFN剂量较高的患者在治疗结束时更有可能使ALT水平恢复正常,这是因为与生化反应有关。在治疗结束时获得ALT值正常化的患者中HCC发生率低可能是因为他们处于慢性肝炎的早期。即使未获得持续的病毒学应答,在疾病的早期用干扰素积极治疗慢性丙型肝炎也可能引起某些患者的生化应答。



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