首页> 外文期刊>Lithos: An International Journal of Mineralogy, Petrology, and Geochemistry >Revisiting the high temperature metamorphic field gradient of the Ryoke Belt (SW Japan): New constraints from the Iwakuni-Yanai area

Revisiting the high temperature metamorphic field gradient of the Ryoke Belt (SW Japan): New constraints from the Iwakuni-Yanai area


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We revisit the origin of the metamorphic field gradient exposed in the Ryoke Belt (SW Japan) - the type locality for low pressure/high temperature (LP/HT) conditions - based on combined structural, petrological and geochronological data from the Iwakuni-Yanai area (W Ryoke). In this area metasedimentary rocks pass from schist in the north to partly migmatitic paragneiss in the south, and are surrounded by numerous granitoid bodies. Three deformation phases are emphasized; an accretionary-stage or burial deformation of weak intensity (DO), a vertical shortening (D1) which generated a subhorizontal, locally extensional foliation in the southern gneiss zone, and E-W upright folding (D2) which reworked both the northern schist and southern gneiss zones. Crystallization-deformation relationships indicate that, in the schist zone, most andalusite, cordierite and mica porphyroblasts formed after DO and before Dl. Syn-D1 mineral assemblages define E-W trending metamorphic zones with increasing grade from north to south, and rare syn-D2 parageneses reveal a similar pattern. Continuous magmatic activity lasted from ca. 105 to 94 Ma. The oldest granitoids (Shimokuhara, Soo, Namera), found in the western part of the belt, were emplaced below schistose rocks at 105-100 Ma. Subsequently, syn- to post-D1 granodiorite (Gamano) intruded concordantly with the foliation of southern, high-grade gneissic rocks from 100 to 94 Ma. A large, syn-D1 pluton (Kibe) intruded the center of the belt at 98 Ma, whereas a younger granite (Iwakuni) and its satellite dykes were emplaced to the northeast at 96-94 Ma. Constraints on the timing of D1 (103-99 Ma) and the likely diachronous D2 phase (100-94 Ma) suggest a deformation continuum during magma intrusion and metamorphism.
机译:我们基于岩国柳井地区的组合结构,岩石学和年代学数据,重新考察了在日本日本西南部Ryoke带暴露的变质场梯度的起源-低压/高温(LP / HT)条件的类型局部性(W Ryoke)。在该区域,准沉积岩从北部的片岩穿过,到南部的部分隐伏的石阶,并被大量的花岗岩体包围。强调了三个变形阶段。强度较弱的增生阶段或埋藏变形(DO),垂直缩短(D1)在南部的片麻岩带中产生了一个水平,局部伸展的叶状构造和EW垂直折叠(D2),对北片岩和南部的片麻岩都进行了改造区域。结晶-变形关系表明,在片岩带中,大多数红柱石,堇青石和云母卟啉形成于DO之后和D1之前。 Syn-D1矿物组合定义了E-W趋势变质带,从北到南,品位逐渐增加,罕见的syn-D2同系物揭示了相似的模式。持续的岩浆活动从大约持续。 105至94毫安。在该带的西部发现了最古老的花岗岩(Shimokuhara,Soo,Namera),位于105-100 Ma的片岩下方。随后,与D1后的花岗闪长岩(Gamano)同步侵入,与南部,高级麻片岩(从100 Ma到94 Ma)一致。大型的syn-D1岩体(Kibe)在98 Ma侵入带的中心,而较年轻的花岗岩(Iwakuni)及其卫星堤坝则在96-94 Ma处向东北放置。 D1的时间(103-99 Ma)和可能的逆时针的D2阶段(100-94 Ma)的时间限制表明,在岩浆侵入和变质过程中有一个变形连续体。



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