首页> 外文期刊>Reproduction in Domestic Animals >Reproductive performance of anoestrous high-producing dairy cows improved by adding equine chorionic gonadotrophin to a progesterone-based oestrous synchronizing protocol.

Reproductive performance of anoestrous high-producing dairy cows improved by adding equine chorionic gonadotrophin to a progesterone-based oestrous synchronizing protocol.


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This study sought to improve the reproductive performance of anoestrous high-producing dairy cows by including equine chorionic gonadotrophin (eCG) after progesterone-releasing intravaginal device (PRID) removal. In Experiment I, 806 cows at 51-57 days post-partum were randomly assigned to a PRID (treated with PRID), PRID-500 (treated with PRID plus 500 IU of eCG) or PRID-750 (treated with PRID plus 750 IU of eCG) group. In Experiment II, 422 cows showing a long anoestrus period (animals with no oestrus signs nor luteal tissue 35 days before treatment) were randomly assigned to the PRID, PRID-500 or PRID-750 groups. The dependent variables considered in binary logistic regression analyses for both experiments were the rates of oestrus, ovulation and conception after treatment, the cumulative conception rate on Day 120 post-partum and pregnancy loss. In Experiment I, interaction between treatment and season showed a significant effect on the oestrous response. Thus, during the warm season, PRID group cows were 8.9 times more likely to express oestrus than the remaining cows. Moreover, inseminated cows with two or more corpora lutea 8-14 days after treatment were more likely to become pregnant (by a factor of 2.4) than cows with a single corpus luteum. Finally, cows without luteal structures treated with PRID were 0.4 less likely to be pregnant on Day 120 post-partum, compared with the remaining cows. In Experiment II, cows in the PRID group treated during the warm or cool season were less likely to exhibit oestrus (by a factor of 0.06 or 0.2, respectively) or ovulate (by a factor of 0.004 or 0.14, respectively) than the remaining cows. In conclusion, in anoestrous cows in both experiments, the addition of eCG to the use of an intravaginal progesterone device to induce oestrus was beneficial. The recommended dose of eCG is 500 IU.
机译:这项研究试图通过在释放孕激素的阴道内装置(PRID)后加入马绒毛膜促性腺激素(eCG)来改善高产的乳牛繁殖性能。在实验I中,将806头产后51-57天的母牛随机分配给PRID(用PRID处理),PRID-500(用PRID加500 IU eCG处理)或PRID-750(用PRID加750 IU处理)。 eCG)组。在实验II中,将422头表现出长发情期的母牛(治疗前35天没有发情体征或黄体组织的动物)随机分配到PRID,PRID-500或PRID-750组。在两个实验的二元逻辑回归分析中考虑的因变量是治疗后的发情,排卵和受孕率,产后第120天的累计受孕率和流产。在实验一中,治疗和季节之间的相互作用显示出对雌激素反应的显着影响。因此,在温暖的季节,PRID组奶牛发情的可能性是其余奶牛的8.9倍。此外,在治疗后8-14天有两个或更多黄体的受精母牛比只有一个黄体的母牛更有可能怀孕(约为2.4倍)。最后,与其余的母牛相比,没有经过PRID治疗的具有黄体结构的母牛在产后第120天怀孕的可能性要低0.4。在实验II中,在温暖或凉爽季节接受治疗的PRID组奶牛比其余奶牛更不表现出发情(分别为0.06或0.2)或排卵(分别为0.004或0.14)。 。总之,在两个实验中,在无乳牛中,在使用阴道内孕酮装置诱导发情中添加eCG都是有益的。 eCG的推荐剂量为500 IU。



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