首页> 外文期刊>Research in autism spectrum disorders >False positives with visual analysis for nonconcurrent multiple baseline designs and ABAB designs: Preliminary findings

False positives with visual analysis for nonconcurrent multiple baseline designs and ABAB designs: Preliminary findings


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This study evaluated the probability of generating false positives with three-tier nonconcurrent multiple baseline (NMBL) designs and ABAB designs. For Experiment 1, we generated four sets of three-tier NMBL design graphs. The first, second, and third sets consisted of fixed A-phase data points for all three tiers at 0%, 25% and 50%, respectively, and randomly generated data points in the B phases. The fourth set consisted of randomly generated data points in the A and B phases for all three tiers. Across all four sets (N = 1000), results show that false positives were produced with 7.5% of three-tier NMBL design graphs and were most probable when baseline levels were set at 0% or 25%. For Experiment 2, we generated 3000 ABAB design graphs consisting of three to five data points per phase. Results indicate that no false positives were produced, regardless of the number of data points included in each phase. Results of this study support specific guidelines for the use of NMBL designs and ABAB designs.
机译:这项研究评估了三层非并行多基线(NMBL)设计和ABAB设计产生假阳性的可能性。对于实验1,我们生成了四组三层NMBL设计图。第一组,第二组和第三组分别由所有三层的固定A相数据点(分别为0%,25%和50%)和B相中随机生成的数据点组成。第四组包括所有三个层在A和B阶段随机生成的数据点。在所有四组(N = 1000)中,结果表明,使用7.5%的三层NMBL设计图会产生假阳性,并且当基线水平设置为0%或25%时最有可能出现假阳性。对于实验2,我们生成了3000个ABAB设计图,每个阶段包含3至5个数据点。结果表明,无论每个阶段中包含多少数据点,都不会产生假阳性。这项研究的结果支持使用NMBL设计和ABAB设计的特定指南。



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