首页> 外文期刊>Research in autism spectrum disorders >Event-based prospective memory in children with autism spectrum disorder: The role of executive function

Event-based prospective memory in children with autism spectrum disorder: The role of executive function


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The present study investigated event-based prospective memory (PM) and its cognitive correlates in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) compared to age- and ability-matched typically developing (TD) peers. Participants included 25 children with ASD, 25 age-matched TD peers, and 28 ability-matched TD peers. Participants completed one PM task, and several executive functioning tasks assessing working memory (Block Recall Task), inhibitory control (Stroop Task), and cognitive flexibility (Dimensional Change Card Sorting Task). Results indicated that children with ASD had significantly lower scores on the PM task than children in the TD groups. Additionally, PM performance of children with ASD was significantly predicted by their nonverbal IQ, whereas PM performance of TD children was significantly predicted by their inhibitory control. These results provide evidence for the PM deficit in children with ASD and the effect of cognitive functioning, rather than a specific aspect of executive function, on the development of PM.



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