首页> 外文期刊>Research in autism spectrum disorders >Teaching advanced operation of an iPod-based speech-generating device to two students with autism spectrum disorders

Teaching advanced operation of an iPod-based speech-generating device to two students with autism spectrum disorders


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We evaluated a program for teaching two adolescents with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) to perform more advanced operations on an iPod-based speech-generating device (SGD). The effects of the teaching program were evaluated in a multiprobe multiple baseline across participants design that included two intervention phases. The first intervention focused on teaching the students to navigate between two screen pages and complete a multi-step response sequence to request preferred stimuli. The second intervention aimed to teach the students to turn on and unlock the device prior to navigating to the correct screen pages. Teaching procedures included response prompting, prompt fading, and differential reinforcement. Results showed that both interventions were effective in teaching the respective operations. Learning advanced operation of the iPod-based SGD could be seen as one way to promote greater independence in using such devices for multi-step communication.



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