首页> 外文期刊>Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry: RCM >Correlated matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry and fluorescent imaging of photocleavable peptide-coded random bead-arrays

Correlated matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry and fluorescent imaging of photocleavable peptide-coded random bead-arrays


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RATIONALE: Rapidly performing global proteomic screens is an important goal in the post-genomic era. Correlated matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) and fluorescent imaging of photocleavable peptide-coded random bead-arrays was evaluated as a critical step in a new method for proteomic screening that combines many of the advantages of MS with fluorescence-based microarrays. METHODS: Small peptide-coded model bead libraries containing up to 20 different bead species were constructed by attaching peptides to 30-34 μm diameter glass, agarose or TentaGel? beads using photocleavable biotin or a customdesigned photocleavable linker. The peptide-coded bead libraries were randomly arrayed into custom gold-coated micro-well plates with 45 μm diameter wells and subjected to fluorescence and MALDI mass spectrometric imaging (MALDI-MSI). RESULTS: Photocleavable mass-tags from individual beads in these libraries were spatially localized as ~65 μm spots using MALDI-MSI with high sensitivity and mass resolution. Fluorescently tagged beads were identified and correlated with their matching photocleavable mass-tags by comparing the fluorescence and MALDI-MS images of the same beadarray. Post-translational modification of the peptide Kemptide was also detected on individual beads in a photocleavable peptide-coded bead-array by MALDI-MSI alone, after exposure of the beads to protein kinase A (PKA). CONCLUSIONS: Correlated MALDI-MS and fluorescent imaging of photocleavable peptide-coded random bead-arrays can provide a basis for performing global proteomic screening.



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