首页> 外文期刊>Railway Interiors International >INTELLIGENCE WITHIN: A newly developed computer model from NedTrain Consulting - one of the companies speaking at Railway Interiors Expo 2005 - is proving a valuable asset when it comes to interior seating layouts

INTELLIGENCE WITHIN: A newly developed computer model from NedTrain Consulting - one of the companies speaking at Railway Interiors Expo 2005 - is proving a valuable asset when it comes to interior seating layouts

机译:内在的智能:NedTrain Consulting的最新开发的计算机模型-在2005年铁路室内设计博览会上发言的公司之一-在室内座椅布局方面被证明是宝贵的资产

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TO MEET passengers' expectations regarding private seating space, train operating companies nowadays have a clear view of how to position seats in their railway carriages. In order to transfer these views into clear layout proposals with maximum efficiency NedTrain Consulting BV now offers a new Seat Layout Service, which makes use of a newly developed computer model.
机译:为了满足乘客对私人座位空间的期望,如今的火车运营公司对如何在火车车厢中放置座位有了清晰的认识。为了将这些观点转化为清晰的布局建议,以实现最大效率,NedTrain Consulting BV现在提供了新的座椅布局服务,该服务利用了新开发的计算机模型。



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