首页> 外文期刊>Railway Interiors International >LEAN MACHINE: The fourth generation of Alstom's tilting high-speed Pendolino is finding its niche in the revamp of Italy's railways. With a high technological content, they represent much more than mere new rolling stock

LEAN MACHINE: The fourth generation of Alstom's tilting high-speed Pendolino is finding its niche in the revamp of Italy's railways. With a high technological content, they represent much more than mere new rolling stock


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NO MATTER how many you've previously visited, it's always a little strange to be sitting in a mock-up train carriage. The result of thousands of hours of skill and expertise from some of the sharpest minds in the business, it nevertheless still seems to conjure up the same sensations of 'pretend' last encountered during a rare visit to the school Wendy House. Quite why this should be the case is unclear, but what can't be denied is the pulling power they exert. So, following its initial preview in Turin this June, a life-size mock-up of Trenitalias forthcoming Alstom-produced fourth-generation Pendolino is to set off on a roadshow covering six Italian cities from November to February. Due to be delivered in 2006, 12 of these tramsets will join Tremtalias existing fleet of 40 Pendolinos (Cisalpino has ordered 14 tramsets). But they represent much more than just new rolling stock, as Elio Catania, president and managing director of the Ferrovie dello Stato group, underlined at the unveiling of the mock-up: "With the arrival of the new Pendolino trains, we have taken an important step forward. We are now at the threshold of the entry into service of the new Italian high-speed lines - the largest infrastructure project undertaken in Italy since the Second World War - and Trenitalia will be ready to respond with an agile, modern fleet able to meet the customers' demands."
机译:没关系,您以前访问过多少人,坐在一个模拟火车车厢里总是有点奇怪。来自企业中一些最敏锐的头脑数千小时的技能和专长的结果,尽管如此,它似乎仍然让人联想起在一次罕见的访问温迪之家期间遇到的“假装”同样的感觉。目前尚不清楚为什么会这样,但不能否认的是他们施加的拉力。因此,继今年6月在都灵进行首次预览之后,从11月至2月,真人大小的Trenitalias原型机即将面世,由阿尔斯通生产的第四代Pendolino车队将覆盖意大利的六个城市。这些电车将在2006年交付,其中12辆将加入Tremtalias现有的40辆Pendolinos机队(Cisalpino已订购14辆电车)。但是,它们不仅仅代表新的机车车辆,因为Ferrovie dello Stato集团总裁兼董事总经理埃里奥·卡塔尼亚(Elio Catania)在样机的揭幕中强调:“随着新型Pendolino列车的到来,重要的一步:我们现在处于新的意大利高速铁路投入服务的门槛上-这是自第二次世界大战以来意大利最大的基础设施项目-Trenitalia将准备以敏捷的现代化机队做出回应能够满足客户的需求。”



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