
Moving target


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In-seat entertainment systems and onboard. WiFi could help rail operators unlock new revenues and attract more passengers off the roads. In the campaign to get travellers out of their cars and onto the railways, onboard entertainment and internet access from every seat are increasingly important weapons. Drivers face ever-tightening restrictions on what they can do at the wheel, including bans on making calls on mobile handsets and sending texts. Some road safety experts are even pressing for a ban on changing channels on the radio. For the railways, this is a major opportunity to take travellers off the roads by offering passengers the same cornucopia of entertainment, information and communication that they have at home or at work.
机译:座椅娱乐系统和车载。 WiFi可以帮助铁路运营商获得新的收入,并吸引更多的乘客上路。在使旅客下车,登上铁路的运动中,车载娱乐系统和每个座位上的互联网访问日益重要。驾驶员面临着越来越严格的限制,包括禁止在手机上拨打电话和发送短信。一些道路安全专家甚至在敦促禁止更改广播频道。对于铁路而言,这是一个重要的机会,可以为旅客提供与他们在家里或工作中所获得的娱乐,信息和通讯相同的聚宝盆,从而将旅客带离道路。



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