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Open Journal Systems: An example of open source software for journal management and publishing

机译:Open Journal Systems:用于期刊管理和发布的开源软件的示例

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Purpose – To provide an insider's review of the journal management and publishing software, Open Journal Systems (OJS), from the Public Knowledge Project, which the author directs at the University of British Columbia. Design/methodology/approach – The paper outlines the history, development, and features of OJS, including some of the experimental aspects, as well as early research results and work underway, on which it is based. Findings – OJS (http://pkp.sfu.ca/ojs) is an open source solution to managing and publishing scholarly journals online, which can reduce publishing costs compared to print and other traditional publishing processes. It is a highly flexible editor-operated journal management and publishing system that can be downloaded for free and installed on a local web server. Originality/value – OJS has been designed to reduce the time and energy devoted to the clerical and managerial tasks associated with editing a journal, while improving the record keeping and efficiency of editorial processes. It seeks to improve the scholarly and public quality of journal publishing through a number of innovations, from making journal policies more transparent to improving indexing.
机译:目的–为了对内部管理者提供的对来自公共知识项目的期刊管理和出版软件Open Journal Systems(OJS)的内部审查,作者是不列颠哥伦比亚大学的作者。设计/方法/方法–本文概述了OJS的历史,发展和特点,包括一些实验方面以及早期研究结果和正在进行的工作,这些是其基础。调查结果– OJS(http://pkp.sfu.ca/ojs)是用于在线管理和发布学术期刊的开源解决方案,与印刷和其他传统出版流程相比,它可以降低出版成本。它是一个高度灵活的由编辑操作的日记管理和发布系统,可以免费下载并安装在本地Web服务器上。原创性/价值– OJS旨在减少与编辑期刊相关的文书和管理任务所花费的时间和精力,同时改善记录的保存和编辑过程的效率。它试图通过多种创新来提高期刊出版的学术和公共质量,从使期刊政策更加透明到改善索引编制。



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