首页> 外文期刊>NGW's Gas Market Reconnaissance >US District Judge Martin Feldman who overturned the Obama administration's initial six-month moratorium on deepwater oil drilling has rejected the government's bid to have the challenge thrown out

US District Judge Martin Feldman who overturned the Obama administration's initial six-month moratorium on deepwater oil drilling has rejected the government's bid to have the challenge thrown out

机译:美国地方法官马丁·费尔德曼(Martin Feldman)推翻了奥巴马政府最初的六个月深水石油钻探禁令,但他拒绝了美国政府提出的解决这一挑战的提议

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Government lawyers argued that a lawsuit filed by several offshore service companies over the May 28 moratorium was moot because the Interior Department imposed a new, temporary drilling ban on Jul. 12. Feldman rejected that argument, saying the second moratorium "arguably fashions no substantial changes" from the first. The Justice Department has asked the 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals to review Feldman's earlier ruling overturning the first moratorium.



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