首页> 外文期刊>NGW's Gas Market Reconnaissance >In a letter to the joint US Coast Guard-Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Transocean attorney Steven Roberts has complained that the Macondo well's blowout preventer is in danger of being damaged and its value as evidence may be compromised

In a letter to the joint US Coast Guard-Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Transocean attorney Steven Roberts has complained that the Macondo well's blowout preventer is in danger of being damaged and its value as evidence may be compromised

机译:在写给美国海岸警卫队海洋能源管理联合局的一封信中,越洋律师史蒂文·罗伯茨(Steven Roberts)抱怨说,Macondo井的防喷器有受到损坏的危险,其价值可能会受到损害。

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In a letter dated Nov. 3, Roberts said the BOP has been sitting exposed to the elements at NASA's Michoud facility outside New Orleans for two months. In a statement about the letter and Transocean's concerns, the joint panel released a statement saying investigators are working with the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to ensure the BOP is secure. In his letter, Roberts said the only action to preserve the BOP was taken Sep. 27, when technicians flushed the control pods with fluid to prevent corrosion inside the device -- which weighs 450 tons and is as tall as a five-story building. DNV has been given the contract to do the forensic examination of the BOP, but there has been no date set for when that will begin.
机译:罗伯茨在11月3日的信中说,BOP在新奥尔良郊外的美国宇航局Michoud设施旁坐了两个月。联合小组在一份关于这封信和Transocean的担忧的声明中发表声明,称调查人员正在与司法部和联邦调查局合作,以确保国际收支安全。罗伯茨在信中说,保存BOP的唯一措施是9月27日采取的措施,当时技术人员用液体冲洗了控制箱,以防止设备内部腐蚀。设备重450吨,高五层。 DNV已获得对BOP进行法医检查的合同,但尚未确定何时开始。



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