首页> 外文期刊>NGW's Gas Market Reconnaissance >A pipeline explosion Friday near Pittsburgh and a subsequent force majeure on Texas Eastern Transmission and a related storage facility sent prices soaring on usually somnolent Tetco-M3

A pipeline explosion Friday near Pittsburgh and a subsequent force majeure on Texas Eastern Transmission and a related storage facility sent prices soaring on usually somnolent Tetco-M3

机译:周五在匹兹堡附近发生管道爆炸,随后对德克萨斯东部传输公司(Texas Eastern Transmission)及其相关的存储设施造成不可抗力,导致通常情况下如此温和的Tetco-M3价格飙升

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Cash prices ran as high as $2.75 on the pipeline, which averaged $2.09 for Tuesday flow, up 69¢ on the day. Other Northeast price points saw smaller but still substantial gains -- Transco zone 6 New York went up 51¢ to average $1.89 -- as traders sorted out possible supply shortfalls. 'However, with demand so low this time of year, the pipeline shut down should not have a dramatic impact on general Northeast prices,' said Gelber & Associates analyst Kent Bayazitolgu.
机译:交易中的现金价格最高为2.75美元,周二的平均价格为2.09美元,当天上涨了69%。东北地区其他价格点的涨幅较小,但仍是可观的涨幅-纽约Transco 6区上涨51 ¢,至平均1.89美元,原因是贸易商整理了可能出现的供应缺口。 Gelber&Associates分析师肯特·巴亚齐托尔古(Kent Bayazitolgu)表示,不过,由于需求在每年这个时候如此之低,管道的关闭不会对东北地区的整体价格产生重大影响。



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