首页> 外文期刊>NGW's Gas Market Reconnaissance >Analysts are looking for a storage pull that will register above last year's, as well as the five-year average, when the Energy Information Administration makes its report Thursday for the week ended Jan. 24.

Analysts are looking for a storage pull that will register above last year's, as well as the five-year average, when the Energy Information Administration makes its report Thursday for the week ended Jan. 24.

机译:能源情报署(Energy Information Administration)周四公布截至1月24日的一周的报告时,分析师们正在寻找一个比去年以及五年平均水平都高的存储量。

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The Dow Jones analysts' survey foresees a draw of 239 billion cubic feet, with estimates ranging from 220 Bcf to 280 Bcf. The analysts’ consensus is 11 Bcf higher than the 228 Bcf draw suggested by Bentek Energy pipeline flow data. The EIA estimates that gas storage fell by 191 Bcf over the same period last year.
机译:道琼斯(Dow Jones)分析师的调查预计将吸引2390亿立方英尺的天然气,估计范围为220 Bcf至280 Bcf。分析师的平均预期比Bentek Energy管道流量数据所建议的228 Bcf高出11 Bcf。 EIA估计,去年同期的储气量下降了191 Bcf。



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